What it means when people play chess in the movies Feature Aliya Whiteley 7 Mar 2013 – 06:40 A symbol of cunning, intelligence and death, the movie meanings of chess are as varied as the actors who’ve played it,...
Top 15 chess scenes in movies

Lights, camera, checkmate… The best chess scenes in movies10:38 am Tuesday 15 January 2013Top 15 movie chess scenes on YouTube here. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Presenting the Brooklyn Castle

“To help support us, please visit our Kickstarter page, here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rescuedmedia/finishing-brooklyn-castle-formerly-chess-movie?ref=live“ THE STORY: Brooklyn, New York’s I.S. 318 is a junior high school where over 65% of students are from homes living below the federal poverty level. It also...
Queen to Play

Zeitgeist Films is excited to announce the release of Queen to Play, a stylish and sophisticated French dramedy, starring the luminous Sandrine Bonnaire and Oscar winner Kevin Kline. Set on the island of Corsica, a French chambermaid Helene (Bonnaire)...
Movies and chess

Why do the movies love chess?By Finlo RohrerBBC News Magazine The late Ingmar Bergman’s film the Seventh Seal helped cement his reputation as a cerebral director, and might explain why chess is such an enduring theme for film makers....
Best chess movies?

FIVE BEST CHESS MOVIESThursday, July 05, 2007 Critic Robert Basalla recommends five movies that feature chess less foolishly than most: “Searching for Bobby Fischer.” Basalla’s favorite of many 1990s chess films hams up its true-life sources, but makes few...