The Knights of Castle Kimbark This blog is primarily about the kids in the Ray School Chess Club, but it also aims to promote and chronicle chess in the Chicago area generally and, for that matter, everywhere. Wherever...
More interesting chess blogs Chessco blog Chess SquaredAs usual, please feel free to add more names or links. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Special Women’s Only Sites

Some websites and blogs dedicating to Women’s Chess: If you know of others, please feel free to add. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
A new blog from our friend at the chess drum Please feel free to check it out. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Chess problem solving and blog writing contest has recently announced the “Chess Problem solving and Blog writing contest” for the year 2007. This is the first time in the world, any chess related website is conducting Chess problem solving as well as blog writing contest....
A reminder of the basic blog rules

Artwork by the talented Mike Magnan This is a reminder about the policy of all my blogs: Welcome! This site is where I provide chess enthusiasts with updates on my activities, interests and important chess news from around the...
Tips for viewing this blog

Some of you were asking me how to read the older news / items on this blog because I update things too frequently (approximately 14-15 new items each day). It is actually VERY SIMPLE! All you have to do...
The $64,000 question!

I have been asked so many times about why I created this blog and why I take it so seriously. I actually have to spend around 2-3 hours a day to do this blog. And yes, at no pay...
Technorati Experts?

I am playing around with a few features on Is any of you a technorati expert? This is what came up when I typed Rank: 18,404 (528 links from 197 blogs) The obvious is there are 197...