Full standings: http://www.uschess.org/results/2017/usopen/?page=STANDINGS&xsection=usopen
Millionaire Chess Final Four Set! A New Champion Will Be Crowned!

It will be #1 seed GM Yu Yangyi vs #4 seed GM Hikaru Nakamura # 2 seed GM Le Quang Liem vs #3 seed GM Alex Lenderman Leaders after 7 rounds http://www.chess-results.com/tnr190208.aspx Rk. SNo Name FED Rtg Pts. TB1...
Lenderman wins 18th OIBM Bad Wiessee 2014

The ninth and final round of 18th Offene Internationale Bayerische Schachmeisterschaft, that was taking place from 25th October to 2nd November 2014 in Bad Wiessee, Germany, was characterized by very gentle acting on the top boards. The leaders GM...
Lenderman & Krush caught Akobian & Zatonskih

US Championship standings after 9 rounds US Women Championship standings after 8 rounds Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Lenderman and Akobian share US Championship lead after 6 rounds

Standings after 6 rounds 1 GM Akobian, Varuzhan 4.0 26432 GM Lenderman, Aleksandr 4.0 2582 3 GM Kamsky, Gata 3.5 2713 4 GM Onischuk, Alexander 3.5 2668 5 GM Gareev, Timur 3.0 26536 GM Shankland, Samuel 3.0 26347 GM Robson, Ray 3.0 26318...
Lenderman wins, now 3.5/4 at US Championship

Round 4 results Aleksandr Lenderman vs Ray Robson [1-0]Mackenzie Molner vs Timur Gareev [0-1]Gata Kamsky vs Sergey Erenburg [1-0]Alex Onischuk vs Sam Shankland [1-0]Varuzhan Akobian vs Josh Friedel [1/2-1/2]Daniel Naroditsky vs Alejandro Ramirez [1/2-1/2] Chess Daily News from Susan...
Lenderman, Krush, Zatonskih roll on in St Louis

For more information, please contact:Mike WilmeringCommunications SpecialistChess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louismwilmering@saintlouischessclub.org Lenderman Leads U.S. Champs; Krush, Zatonskih Tied Atop U.S. Women’s By Brian Jerauld www.uschesschamps.com SAINT LOUIS (May 11, 2014) — Full-point victories: A dime a...
Lenderman & Gareev scored in St Louis

Round 3 results Robson, Ray vs Kamsky, Gata [1/2-1/2]Ramirez, Alejandro vs Lenderman, Aleksandr[0-1]Akobian, Varuzhan vs Onischuk, Alex [1/2-1/2]Gareev, Timur vs Naroditsky, Daniel [1-0]Erenburg, Sergey vs Shankland, Sam [1/2-1/2]Friedel, Josh vs Molner, Mackenzie [1/2-1/2] Women’s section Foisor, Sabina vs Zatonskih,...
Robson & Lenderman lead US Championship after 1

Round 1 results Gareev, Timur vs Kamsky, Gata [1/2-1/2]Molner, Mackenzie vs Onischuk, Alex [1/2-1/2]Akobian, Varuzhan vs Naroditsky, Daniel [1/2-1/2]Ramirez, Alejandro vs Shankland, Sam [1/2-1/2]Robson, Ray vs Erenburg, Sergey [1-0]Friedel, Josh vs Lenderman, Aleksandr [0-1] Women’s Championship Nemcova, Katerina vs...
Lenderman, Huschenbeth and Enkhbat share honors in 51st Baltimore Open

The 51st Annual Baltimore Open took place on 8-10th February at the Holiday Inn Columbia, 7900 Washington Blvd, Columbia, MD. The tournament was held in five sections: Championship, U1900, U1700, U1500 and U1200. The organizers have introduced some unique...