Tactical Motifs 1 – LM Dana Mackenzie
Tactical Motifs 1 – LM Dana Mackenzie
Posted on June 18,2014 By OnlineChessLessons.NET Contributor in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, All Articles w/ Videos, General Chess Articles. Tactical Types! Tactical Motifs 1 – LM Dana Mackenzie Beginners will enjoy this lecture on Fork tactics taken from one of Dana’s own games. Dana starts off with an overview of when Fork Tactics occur during a game before going straight to a position in his game from deep in the middlegame. LM Mackenzie uses his game to explain the forks available and ways to prevent forks from occurring against you and also ways to allow forks that do not work. T[…]
The Great Games of Judit Polgar – IM John-Paul Wallace
Posted on June 11,2014 By OnlineChessLessons.NET Contributor in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, All Articles w/ Videos, General Chess Articles. Taming 1.d4 with a King’s Indian Defense! San Segundo vs. Judit Polgar (Benidorm 2002) John-Paul examines Judit’s excellent attacking style in her favorite opening and starts with the juncture of the KID vs. Gruenfeld before guiding us into the Classical KID. Judit opts for the main line with 5…e5 6.Be3 (played by Karpov vs Kasparov in their World Championship match.) Judit opted for 6…Ng4 7.Bg5 f6 8..Bh4 which she attempted to exploit with[…]
Highly Instructive & Educational Games for Black to Play Against Maroczy Bind – GM Dzindzichashvili
Posted on June 07,2014 By OnlineChessLessons.NET Contributor in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, All Articles w/ Videos, General Chess Articles. Theory or Practical versus Maroczy Bind! Highly Instructive & Educational Games for Black to Play Against Maroczy Bind – GM Dzindzichashvili Roman shows the core themes against The Maroczy Bind for players who play the Accelerated Dragon, he explains the main dangers for Black such as ‘getting into a passive position’ and ‘having no counter play’ Roman looks at his past recommendations and shows some remarkable resources for Black. A no table[…]
GM Kritz Explains Advanced Chess Tactics
Posted on June 02,2014 By OnlineChessLessons.NET Contributor in All Articles w/ Videos, General Chess Articles. This chess video is an excerpt from the Empire Chess DVD ¨Advanced Chess Tactics¨ and is presented by Grandmaster Leonid Kritz. Viewers will learn how to identify possible chess combinations and how to accurately calculate via an optimized thought process that nearly every Grandmaster uses today. Viewers will learn about the importance of a structured process with respect to chess tactics, how to properly identify candidate moves and precisely ca[…]
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