Tactic from an actual game Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving r4rk1/1p3p2/3R2p1/1P2Q1Kp/p7/5qP1/3R4/8 w – – 0 1 White to move. How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
black cannot check.
now, if 1…f6
2. qe6+.
if 2… rf7,
3. rd8+ wins
if 2… kh8,
3. rd7 wins.
1.Kh6 f6
2.Qe7 Rf7
Any defense against that?
I missed seeing Rd8 as winning and hence thought that there is no win here. Otherwise, i saw Kh6 f6, Qe6 Rf7 and then didnt know how to proceed.
Otherwise, its quite a simple one. Its easy to see that Kh6 lays the first steps for black’s mate.