Quite interesting how long it took my to find this “simple” figure win with Rxd7 and Rd1. Looking for some cool tactics you often forget searching for the easy moves. Fortunately in a real game you seldomly expect cool tactics and start your calculations with the easiest moves…
1. Rxd7 Qxd7
2. Rd1 and white wins the black bishop …
A quick calculation shows that White has
1. RxR+ QxR
2. Rd1
winning the Black Bishop.
Is there more to the situation?
I really wish Susan would post the answer later.
ph5 bxb
pxp+ pxp
pxb rxp
qf2+ and winning back rook
ph5 bxb
pxp+ pxp
pxb rxp
qf2+ and winning back rook
Sorry, but I don’t see it. After:
1.h5 Bxe3
2.hxg6+ hxg6
3.fxe3 Rxe3
4.Qf2+ Kg8
… which rook is White winning, and how?
Incidentally, 3…Rxd1 looks better to me than 3…Rxe3.
Quite interesting how long it took my to find this “simple” figure win with Rxd7 and Rd1.
Looking for some cool tactics you often forget searching for the easy moves. Fortunately in a real game you seldomly expect cool tactics and start your calculations with the easiest moves…
Best regards