Ahem, how to say that THAT one is too easy? I was optically drawn by the pawn f6 to finally see, after perhaps 10 seconds, that 1.Ng4+ wins on the spot !
Here are the lines :
1.Ng4+ Kg5 2.Qxf6+ Kh5 3.Qh6#
1…Kg6 2.Qxf6+ with the same sad conclusion, because the pawn h7 hinders the flight Kh7
1… Kg7 2.Qxf6+ Kg8 3.Nh6# (nice one, the pawn h7 makes his dirty job once again)
1…Kh5 (comparatively the best) 2.Nxf6+ and that fork grabs the Queen.
Four lines, but not long and easy to calculate. Really a Monday-early-in-the-morning puzzle… (2:29 AM in this good ol’ Europe)
Ahem, how to say that THAT one is too easy? I was optically drawn by the pawn f6 to finally see, after perhaps 10 seconds, that 1.Ng4+ wins on the spot !
Here are the lines :
1.Ng4+ Kg5
2.Qxf6+ Kh5
2.Qxf6+ with the same sad conclusion, because the pawn h7 hinders the flight Kh7
1… Kg7
2.Qxf6+ Kg8
3.Nh6# (nice one, the pawn h7 makes his dirty job once again)
1…Kh5 (comparatively the best)
2.Nxf6+ and that fork grabs the Queen.
Four lines, but not long and easy to calculate. Really a Monday-early-in-the-morning puzzle… (2:29 AM in this good ol’ Europe)
1. Ng4+
1…. Kg7
2. Qxf6+ Kg8
3. Nh6#
1…. Kg6 (or g5)
2. Qxf6+ Kh5
3. Qh6#
1…. Kh5
2. Qxf6 Qg6
The only square for Black to defend against the
threatened mate with Qh6 AND not lose her queen.
3. Qh4#
I seem to remember that we had a
problem recently with virtually
the same mate on the kingside.
1. Ng4+
If … Kh5,
2. Nxf6 and the queen is forked
If … Kg5 or Kg6,
2. Qxf6+ Kh5
3. Qh6 mate
If Kg7,
2. Qxf6+ Kg8
3. Nh6 mate
Hope that’s right. This is a first time for me.
Ng4 + if Kh5 then Nxf6+ wins queen and if Kg6 then Qxf6 Kh5 Qh6#
Ng4+ and mate follows
Ng4+ looks good to me.
… Kg7
Qxf6+ Kg8
Qd8 maybe ?
Ng4+ and white wins
Ng4+ 1-0.
… Kg6/Kg5
Qxf6+ Kh5
… Kh5
Nxf6+ Kany
Nxe8 1-0
… Kg7
Qxf6+ Kg8
Ng4+ wins
Ng4+ and I do not see how black could possibly survive (-> f6!)
1. Ng4+
Black has 4 options
A) and B)
1. …. , Kg5 or Kg6
2. Qxf6+, Kh5
3. Qg6#
1. …. , Kh5
2. Nxf6+ winning the queen
1. …. , Kg7
2. Qxf6+, Kg8
3. Nh6#
Greetings from Spain
Ng4+ Kg7
Qxf6+ Kg8
Nh6# or
Ng4+ Kh5
Nxf6+ winning the queen although I suspect Qxf6 will result in mate
Ng4+ Kg5/g6
Qxf6+ Kh5
1. Ng4+ Kh5
2. Kxf6 (threatening Qh6#) black can stall it a move by defending h6 with Qf8, but it loses the queen.
The only other line:
1. Ng4+ Kg7
2. Qxf6+ Kg8 forced
3. Nh6#