1.c7 Re1+ 2.Be5 Rxe5+ 3.Kd6 (not to accede d7 to black K.) Rd5+ 4.Kc6 Rd8 5.Kb7 Kd7 6.cxd8=Q+ Kxd8 7.Kxa7 Kc7 8.c4! Now black is in zwugzwang and has to give up b6 P. Black may try 5… c4 to stop W from using it later. then 6.Kxa7 Rc8 7.Kxb6 Kd7 8.a7 Kd6 9.Ka6 Kxc7 10.b6+ Kc6 11.b7 is a win for white.
I find this line compelling for white: 1.Be7 Re1+ 2.Kd6 Rxe7 3.c7 Rxc7 4.Kxe7 c4! 5.Kb7 Kd7 6.Kxa7 Kc7 and black forces draw. If only white had that waste-a-move c4 available, but black took it away. So draw for this line.
Is there anything better though? Not completely sure, but it seems other attempts unleash black king and rook. Anything better for black? Not sure about that either, lol. Interesting puzzle. Merry Christmas and happy New year!
I hope Santa brings Susan some new puzzles:)
1.c7 Re1+ 2.Be5 Rxe5+ 3.Kd6 (not to accede d7 to black K.) Rd5+ 4.Kc6 Rd8 5.Kb7 Kd7 6.cxd8=Q+ Kxd8 7.Kxa7 Kc7 8.c4! Now black is in zwugzwang and has to give up b6 P.
Black may try 5… c4 to stop W from using it later. then 6.Kxa7 Rc8 7.Kxb6 Kd7 8.a7 Kd6 9.Ka6 Kxc7 10.b6+ Kc6 11.b7 is a win for white.
Not sure if there’s a solution using less moves, but white can mate in 27 moves.
I also hope Santa brings Susan many new puzzles with solutions.
I find this line compelling for white: 1.Be7 Re1+ 2.Kd6 Rxe7 3.c7 Rxc7 4.Kxe7 c4! 5.Kb7 Kd7 6.Kxa7 Kc7 and black forces draw. If only white had that waste-a-move c4 available, but black took it away. So draw for this line.
Is there anything better though? Not completely sure, but it seems other attempts unleash black king and rook. Anything better for black? Not sure about that either, lol. Interesting puzzle. Merry Christmas and happy New year!
I am surprised at such poor response to this problem.Stalwarts have avoided it or too busy with Christmas.
I ignore it since she posted it last month.