1. Bg8+ Rxg8 (1. … Kh8 2. Rd7 followed by Qxg7# either next move or after Black bishop and/or queen delaying sacrifices) (1. … Kh6 2. Qf4+ g5 3. Qd6+ [or 3. Rd6+ Rg6 4. Rxg6+ Kxg6 5. Qxg5#] 3. … Rg6 4. Qf8+ Rg7 5. Rd6#) 2. Rd7+ Kh6 3. Qf4+ ( or 3. Qe7 mating next move, depending on what Black does now, by Qg5#, Qh7#, or Qg7#)
I think i hit the bingo in my prior 2m intuition move, very happy to find this whithout a board, so again, errors may be present, perhaps easier continuations exist. Here’s my complete analysis after 15m:
it must be Bg8+
it must be Bg8+
I guess it must be 1. Bg8! After 1…, Rg8x 2. Rd7+ is decisive. After 1…, Kh8 2. Rd7 wins as well.
1 Bg8+ Kh8; 2 Bf7+ Kh7; 3B:g6+ K:g6; 4 Qe6+ Kh7; 5 Q:f5+ Rg6; 6 Qf7+ Rg7; 7 Q:h5#
1. Bg8+ Rxg8 (1. … Kh8 2. Rd7 followed by Qxg7# either next move or after Black bishop and/or queen delaying sacrifices)
(1. … Kh6 2. Qf4+ g5 3. Qd6+ [or 3. Rd6+ Rg6 4. Rxg6+ Kxg6 5. Qxg5#] 3. … Rg6 4. Qf8+ Rg7 5. Rd6#)
2. Rd7+ Kh6
3. Qf4+ ( or 3. Qe7 mating next move, depending on what Black does now, by Qg5#, Qh7#, or Qg7#)
3. … g5
4. Qd6+ Rg6
5. Qf8+ Rg7
6. Qxg7#
Very quickly just 2 minutes, so I could/should be missing something, here goes:
1. Qf4 g5 (to avoid 2. Rh8+ Kxh8 3. Qh6+ Rh7 4. Qf8#) 2. Bxf5+ and black is checkmated after multiple, but easy combinations in few moves.
1. Bg8+
Kh6 leads to 2. Qf4+, g5, 3. Rd6+, Rg6, 4. Qxg5+, Kxg8, 5. Qxg6+ aso, so…
Kh8 leads to 2. Rd7, so
1. …, Rxg8
2. Rd7+, Kh6
3. Qf4+, g5
4. Qd6+, Rg6
5. Qh8#
1Bg8+ rxb 2 rd7+ kh6 3 Q f4+
or Qe7 wins easily
I think i hit the bingo in my prior 2m intuition move, very happy to find this whithout a board, so again, errors may be present, perhaps easier continuations exist.
Here’s my complete analysis after 15m:
1. Qf4!
1. … g5 2. Bxf5+
2. … Kh6 3. Rh8 Rh7 4. Qxg5#
2. … Rg6 3. Qc7+ Kh6 4. Rh8#
1. … Rf7 2. Rh8+! Kxh8 3. Qh6+ Kg8 4. Qxf6+ Kh8 5. Bxg7 (black can literally play anything here) 6. Qg8+ Kh6 7. Qg6#
1. … Re7 2. Rh8+!
2. … Kxh8 3. Qh6 Rh7 4. Qf8#
2. … Kg7 3. Qe5#
What a nice little problem…
A bishop sack seems to do it here, with the idea of R check in 7th rank and Q mate on g7:
1. Bg8+ Rxg8
2. Rd7+ Kh6 (Rg7 Qxg7#)
3. Qf4+ g5
4. Qd6+ Rg6
5. Qf8+ Rg7
6. Qxg7#
1. … Kh8
2. Rd7! Bd4
3. Qxd4 Qc7
4. Rxc7 Kxg8
5. Qxg7#
1. … Kh6
2. Qf4+ g5
3. Qd6+ Rg6
4. Qf8+ Rg7
5. Rd6#
Bg8+ looks promising. i will look at some lines:
1. Bg8+ Rxg8
2. Qe7+ Rg7
3. Qf8 g5
4. Qxf5+ Rg6
5. Rd7+ Kh8
6. Qf8+ Rg8
7. Qxh6#
or 5. … Kg8
6. Qxg6+ Kf8/h8
7. Qf7/h7#
or 5. … Kh6
6. hxg5#
or 4. … Kh6
5. Rh8+ Rh7
6. Rxh7#
or 3. … Kh6
4. Rd7 Qc3
5. Qh8+ Rh7
6. Qxh7#
or 2. … Kh8
3. Qf6+ Kh7
4. Rd7+ Kh6
5. Qg5#
or 4. … Rg7
5. Qxg7#
or 2. … Kh6
3. Rxg8 Qc3
4. Qf8+ Kh7
5. Qf7+ Kh6
6. Qxg6#
or interposing the queen at any stage take and mate.
or 1. … Kh6
2. Qf4+ g5
3. Qd6+ Rg6
4. Qf8+ Rg7
5. Qf6+ Rg6
6. Qh8#
or 1. … Kh8
2. Rd7 and mate on g7 forced.
greets, jan
Bg8+ Rxg8
Rd7+ Kh6
1.Bxf gxf 2. Qxh#
Tactic 1
1.Bg8+ Rxg8
2.Rd7+ Kh6
3.Qe7 Qd8
Tactic 2
1.Bg8+ Kh6
2.Rd7 Rxd7
3.Qh8+ Rh7
Tactic 3
1.Bg8+ Kh6
2.Rd7 Rxg8
3.Qf4+ g5
4.Qd6+ Rg6
5.Qf8+ Rg7
1.Bg8+ Rxg8
If 1…Kh6 2.Qf4+ g5 3.hxg5+ Rxg5 (3…Kg6 4.Rd6#) 4.Rd6+ Kg7 5.Qxg5+ Kf8 6.Qxf5+ and mate follows soon
2.Rd7+ Kh6 (2. …Rg7 3.Qxg7#)
3.Qf4+ g5
4.Qd6+! Rg6 (only move)
5.Qf8+! Rg7 (only move)
1. Bg8+! Rxg8
2. Rd7+ Kh6
3. Qe7 and mate follows…
If 1.. Kh8 then
2. Rd7 and the mate threat Qxg7 can only be delayed.
Niiice! 🙂
Oh — and if 1.. Kh6 then
2. Qf4+ g5
3. Rd6+ Rg6
4. Rxg6+ Kxg6
5. Qxg5 mate
1…Rxg8 2.Rd7+ Kh6 3.Qe7 followed by 4.Qg5# or 4.Qh7#
1…Kh8 2.Rd7 forces mate
1…Kh6 2.Qf6! (idea Qg5#) Qxd8 3.Qg5+! Qxg5 4.hxg5# or fxg5#; 2…Rxg8 3.Rxg8 and mate next; 2…Rc7 3.Qh8+ Rh7 4.Qxh7#; 2…Rh7 3.Bxh7 (3.Qg5+ Kg7 4.Rd7+ also works) Qb6 4.Qf8+ Kxh7 5.Qh8#
1.Bxf gxf 2.Qxf+ a)2…Rg6 3.Qxh5+ Rh6 4. Qf7# b)2…Kh6 3. Rh8#
Well, one should quickly see the queen sacrifice doesn’t work. after that, what is left is pretty much the bishop offer at g8:
1. Bg8
And black has three options-Rg8, Kh8, and Kh6. Taken in order:
1. …..Rg8
2. Rd7! Kh6 (Rg7 3.Qg7#)
3. Qe7 and there is no defense to the mate threats of Qh7 or Qg5.
Or, at move 1:
1. …..Kh8
2. Rd7! and now there is no defense to the threat of Qg7#. Black can delay with Qc3 and Bd4, but not prevent mate.
Or, at move 1:
1. …..Kh6
2. Qf4
Here, Rd7 still works, but Qf4 is one move quicker. Continuing:
2. …..g5
3. Qd6
Or, even prettier, in my opinion- [3.Rd6 Rg6 4.Rg6 Kg6 5.Qg5#]. Continuing:
3. …..Rg6
4. Qf8 Rg7
5. Rd6#
4. Qf8 Rg7
1.Bg7 Kh8
Too bad black didn’t put his queen on c7 or f7
1.Bg8 Kh8
1…. Kh6
2.Qf4 g5
3.Rd6 Rg6
1…. Rg8
2.Rd7 Kh6
3.Qf4 g5
4.Qd6 Rg6
Bxf5 followed by Bxg6+ wins.
1…gxf5, 2.Qxf5+ and either…
2…Rg6, 3.Qh5+ Rh6 4.Qf7#, or
2…Rg6, 3.Qh5+ Kg7 4.Qh8+ Kf7 5.Qf8+ Ke6 6. Rd6+ Ke5 7.Qf4#
2…Kh6 3.Rh8+ Rh7 4.Qg5#
1…c1=Q 2.Bxg6+ and if…
2…Rxg6 3.Qh8#
2…Kh6 3.Qxh5#
2…Kxg6 3.Qg5+ and either…
3…Kh6 4. Qxh5#, or
3…Kf7 4. Qf5+ Ke7 5. Kf8+ Ke6 6. Rd6+ and ending as above.
I think that takes care of it.
@Frederick –
In the line
1.Bg8+ Kh6
Black has
2….Bxe3 which creates some complications for white.
2.Qf4+ is better
@Pavan Yes, you are completely right. I was misvisualizing the position in my head, thinking that White had a pawn on f4. Thanks.