GM Shirov (2739) – GM Akopian (2713) [B96]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 e6 7.f4 Qc7 8.Bxf6 gxf6 9.Be2 Nc6 10.Qd3 h5 11.0–0–0 Bd7 12.Nf5 exf5 13.Nd5 Qa5 14.Nxf6+ Kd8 15.Nxd7 Kxd7 16.Qb3 Be7 17.Qxb7+ Qc7 18.Qxc7+ Kxc7 19.exf5 h4 20.g4 hxg3 21.hxg3 a5 22.Bh5 f6 23.g4 d5 24.Rxd5 Bd6 25.Rf1 Nb4 26.Rd4 Nxa2+ 27.Kb1 Nb4 28.Re1 Nc6 29.Rc4 Rab8 30.c3 Rb6 31.Re8 Rxe8 32.Bxe8 Be7 33.b4 axb4 34.Rxc6+ Rxc6 35.Bxc6 Kxc6 1/2
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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
It’s Shirov time!
no doubt ! but it’s also the youngster’s time as well !!!
you are right, the youngster karjakins time has come!
Shirov is the main man!