Sharp eyes chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move and mate in 3. 3n2b1/r3r2k/2p1pQpp/1p6/3P1PP1/1BP2K2/p6R/8 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. g5
1. … h5
2. Rxh5 gxh5
3. Qh6++
1. … Nf7
2. Bc2 with mate by Bxg6 or Rxh6
1. … Bf7
2. Rxh6 with mate on h8.
1. Bc2
If 1. … Bf7,
2. Rxh6+ Kxh6
3. Qh8+#
If 1. … Rg7
2. Rxh6+ Kxh6
3. Qh4+#
1.g5 h5
2.Rxh5+ gxh
1.g5, h5
2.Rxh5 gxh5
1 g5
threatens Rxh6#
1… h5
2 Rxh5+ gxh5 (forced)
3 Qh6#
1… Nf7
2 Bc2 and black can’t stop
3 Bxg6# (2…Nh8, 3 Rxh6#
1… Bf7
2 Rxh6 Kg8
3 Rh8#
Let’s try 1. g5 to get things started, threatening Rxh6#. If 1…h5, then 2. Rxh5+ gxh5 3. Qh6#
Did I miss a variation?
1. Bc2
1. Rg7
2. Rxh6 2. Kxh6
3. Qh4 ++
1. Bf7
2. Rxh6 2. Kxh6
3. Qh8++
1. h5
2. Rxh5++
2. Bxg6++
Am I missing something ?
1. Bc2, …
threatening Bxg6++
there are two possible lines
1. … , Rg7
2. Rxh6+, Kxh6
3. Qh4++
1. … , Bf7
2. Rxh6+, Kxh6
3. Qh8++
happy halloween!!!
1. g5 h5
2. Rxh5+ gxh5
3. Bc2#
1. Bc2
A: .. Rg7
2. Rxh6+ Kxh6
3. Qh4#
B: .. Bf7
2. Rxh6+ Kxh6
3. Qh8#
C: .. h5
2. Bxg6+ Kh6
3. Rxh5#
False is 1. g5 Nf7 2. Bc2 Nxg5+
1. Bc2 Bf7
2. Rh6 Kh6 (Kg8 3. Qh8#)
3. Qh8#
1. Bc2 Rg7
2. Rh6 Kh6
3. Qh5#
Well I see mate in 4, not 3
(1) g5 threatening 2 Rxh6 mate.
If 1…h5 2 Rxh5+ gxh5 3 Qh6++.
But if 1…Nf7 2 Bc2 threatening 3 Qxg6+ Kh8 4 Qxh6 mate.
1. g5
If … h5 2. Rxh5 gxh5 3. Qg6#
If … Nf7 2. Bc2 and there’s no defense against Bxg6#
Good one!
1. Bb2
The threat is Bxg6#
Alternative lines:
1. … Bf7
2. Rxh6+ Kxh6
3. Qh8#
if 2. … Kg8, 3. Rh8#
1. … Nf7
2. Bxg6#
1. … Rg7
2. Rxh6+ Kxh6
3. Qh4#
Looks like 1. Bc2! and the threat 2. Bxg6# leads to 3 variations:
1. -, Bf7 2. Rxh6+, Kxh6 (Kg8 3. Rh8#) 3. Qh8# (cute!)
1. -, Rg7 2. Rxh6+, Kxh6 3. Qh4#
and 1. -, h5 2. Rxh5#.
Did I oversee any defense!?
Best wishes
pawn to g5
g5 with followed either Rxh5 or Rxh6
bc2 leads to mate in 2 more moves
1.Bc2 (threatening Bxg6++)
1.-Rg7 2.Rxh6+ Kxh6 3.Qh4++
1.-Bf7 2.Rxh6+ Kxh6 3.Qh8++
The only way is:
1. Bc2 Bf7 or Rg7
2. Rxh6+ Kh6
3. Qh4#
1. g5 was my first idea but next Cf7
2. Bc2 Ng5+! (CHECKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!)
My first solution was:
1. g5 h5 (threat was 2. Rxh6 mate)
2. Rxh5+ gxh5
3. Qh6 mate.
But I soon noticed that 1… Nf7 postpones this mate. So my second attempt was:
1. Bc2 Bf7 (threat was 2. Bxg6 mate)
2. Rxh6+ Kxh6
3. Qh8 mate.
1… Rg7
2. Rxh6+ Kxh6
3. Qh4 mate.
There doesn’t seem to be a defence to a three-move mate starting from 1. Bc2.