Sharp eyes chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should white proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1.Rxb8+ Kxb8 (forced)
2.Nd7+ (winning the queen the next move)
Did I miss anything?
This one’s easy:
1) rb8+, kxr
2) qa7+ wins
Rxb8 Kxb8
Qa7 + Kc8
Qa8 #
1. Rb8+ Kxb8 (forced)
2. Qa7+ Kc8 (forced)
3. Qa8#
I first thought a line that puts White winning with Rxb8+, Kxb8, Nxc6+ winning thw Queen with whatever move black makes then.
But then I saw Rxb8+, Kxb8, Qd7+, Kc8, Qa8++
It shows I´m improving a bit thanks to studying more steadily and resources like your blog, or GM videos at CCSCSL or ICC. Thanks!!!
That poor Black queen will never get a chance to do anything on the long diagonal. Mate in 3.
1. Rxb8+ Kxb8 2. Qa7+ Kc8 3. Qa8
1. Rxb8 Kxb8
2. Qa7+ Kc8
3. Qa8#
Rxb8+,Kxb8; Qa7+,Kc8; Qa8#
1. Rxb8+ Kxb8 2. Qa7+ Kc8 3. Qa8#
Rxb8 ch forces Kxb8 when Nd7ch wins the queen
1Rxn+ 2Qa7+ 3Qa8mate
Though being a quite simple mate in 3, it was surprisingly difficult to see, due to stupid knight forks etc.
1. Rxb8+ Kxb8
2. Qa7+ (of course, the bishop isn’t dead yet) Kc8
3. Qa8# (the knight wasn’t dead yet either, and not moved)
Having a multitude of deadly threats doesn’t help black when he is mated…
Rxb8 Kxb8
Nd7+ (making a fork with king and queen.. now there is double attack on queen :-))
1. Rxb8 Kxb8
2. Qa7+ Kc8
3. Qa8++
..Kxb8 Qa7+ Kc8 Qa8#
Isn’t it too simple?
1. Rxb8+ Kxb8
2. Qa7+ Kc8
3. Qa8+ checkmate
Easy,because there is only one line which saves White – and it is the winning line:
1.Rxb8 + Kxb8
2.Qa7 + Kc8
3.Qa8 mate