Saturday chess review Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How does White save this position? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Every move a check is my first guess based on black’s imminent threats. So
1. Rh7 Kh7
Now, there are two checks with the white queen- 2.Qe4 and 2.Qe7, but the mate with the latter is easy to spot:
2. Qe7! Kh6
Or [2. …Kh8 3.f7 Kh7 (or 3. …Rg7 4.f8Q mate in 1 more) 4.f8Q Rg7 5.Qeg7#]. Continuing:
3. Bd2 Rg5 (Kh5 4.Qh7#)
4. Qg7 Kh5
5. Qh7#
1Rxh7+ Kxh7
2Qe7+ Kh8
2… Kh6 3Bd2+ Rg5 4Qg7+ Kxh5 5Qh7#
3f7+ Kh7
3… Rg7 4f8=Q+ followed by 5Qxg7#
4f8=Q+ Rg7
5Q anyxg7#
1. Rxh7+ Kxh7
2. Qe4+ (a) Kh8
3. f7+ Rg7
4. Qg6
Black can throw away his Q but can’t stop Qh6#
2. … (b) Kh6
3. Bd2+ (b1) Rg5
4. Qg6#
3. … (b2) Kxh5
4. Qh7#
Rh7Kh7 Qe5 ifKh6Bd2 ifKh5Qh7 loose Q ifRg5Qg6# Kh8 f7Rg7
1.Rxh7+ Kxh7 2.Qe7+ Kh8
(2…Kh6 3.Bd2+ Rg5 4.Qg7+ Kxh5 5.Qh7#)
3.f7+ Rg7
(3…Kh7 4.f8=Q+ Rg7 5.Qfxg7#)
4.f8=Q+ Kh7 5.Qexg7#