Kasparov CRUSHES Short – Insane Sacrifices Beat French Defense
Kasparov CRUSHES Short – Insane Sacrifices Beat French Defense
Posted on September 02,2013 By William in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, All Articles w/ Videos, Classic Games (Pre 2010). Garry Kasparov and Nigel Short experienced a fierce rivalry at the pinnacles of elite chess in the 1990s as Kasparov had recently fought off Anatoly Karpov’s persistent challenges for the title of World Chess Champion, only to face a determined Nigel Short! This chess video is a great example of the rivalry between Kasparov and Short, as Kasparov always seemed to have an edge on the British Grandmaster with superior opening preparation and deeper[…]
Good Pawn moves vs Bad Pawn Moves – IM Maia Lomineishvili
Posted on August 29,2013 By OnlineChessLessons.NET Contributor in Strategy & Game Review, All Articles w/ Videos, Classic Games (Pre 2010). IM/WGM Maia Lomineishvili makes her debut chess video on OnlineChessLessons.NET! In this 25 minute video, IM Lomineishvili instructs viewers on different concepts taken from various middlegame positions where a pawn move can make all the difference to a win or a loss. She goes over a few middlegame positions from famous games showing how a crucial pawn move either destroyed their opponent or allowed themselves to be destroyed. Hopefully after thi[…]
Ruy Lopez, Chigorin Defense Gambits with GM Kritz
Posted on August 26,2013 By William in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, All Articles w/ Videos. The Chigorin Variation of the Ruy Lopez is a very common line because black obtains a solid position and good space in the center. White’s strategy is often similar to a coiled spring, conceding space in the center while avoiding the creation of any weaknesses in his position, and focusing on the targeted development of minor pieces. However, things can quickly change in the Chigorin Variation of the Ruy Lopez as there are multiple ways that blac[…]
Rocking the Ruy Lopez with GM Kritz
Posted on August 19,2013 By William in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings. The Ruy Lopez is the most popular chess opening in the history of the game. The Ruy Lopez, also known as the Spanish Game, has been played by nearly every world chess champion in the last few hundred years and continues to enjoy immense popularities at all levels in the 21st century. So just why does everybody like to play the Ruy Lopez so much? Although the Ruy Lopez has been studied very deeply and the theory is extensive, chess players are sti[…]
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