As soon as white can push the d-pawn, losing the extra rook doesn’t matter here, thus:
1. Rf4 Rf4 2. Nf4 Bf4 3. d6 Bg5 4. Rd5 pinning the bishop to the king where it can be taken and white queens the d-pawn without further hindrance from black.
1. Rf4 Bf4 2. Nf4 Rf4 3. Ke2 Re4 4. d6 Re8 5. d7 Rd8 6. Rd6 and black has two real choices- either go for the h-pawn or the d-pawn with the king:
6. …..Kh4 7. Ke3 Kh3 8. Rh6 followed by Rh7, giving two passed pawns and an easy win, and for option two:
6. …..Kg5 7. Ke3 Kf5 8. Kd4 Ke5 9. Kc5 and it is all over.
And one last possible line is
1. Rf4 Bf4 2. Nf4 Kg5 3. Rd4 Kf6 (Rf4 loses) 4. Ke2 and white is up a piece in an easily won ending.
Simply 1.Rf4, no?! White will remain at least an exchange up and win pretty easily. Would be interesting to know how much earlier Ray had to see that move prior to venturing into this very position. Beelze
1. Ke2 Kxg4 2. Kxe3 +-
Was watching this live and spotted it before black’s last move
Was proud of myself at about 1850-1950 grade equivalent
Rf4 Bxf4
1. Rf4 Bxf4 2. Ng7+
1. Rf4 Bf4 2. Ng7+ followed by Nxf5 and d6 winning.
As soon as white can push the d-pawn, losing the extra rook doesn’t matter here, thus:
1. Rf4 Rf4
2. Nf4 Bf4
3. d6 Bg5
4. Rd5 pinning the bishop to the king where it can be taken and white queens the d-pawn without further hindrance from black.
1. Rf4 Bf4
2. Nf4 Rf4
3. Ke2 Re4
4. d6 Re8
5. d7 Rd8
6. Rd6 and black has two real choices- either go for the h-pawn or the d-pawn with the king:
6. …..Kh4
7. Ke3 Kh3
8. Rh6 followed by Rh7, giving two passed pawns and an easy win, and for option two:
6. …..Kg5
7. Ke3 Kf5
8. Kd4 Ke5
9. Kc5 and it is all over.
And one last possible line is
1. Rf4 Bf4
2. Nf4 Kg5
3. Rd4 Kf6 (Rf4 loses)
4. Ke2 and white is up a piece in an easily won ending.
just Rf4..
Missed this the first time through (freaking knights!), wins even more quickly when black takes with the bishop:
1. Rf4 Bf4
2. Ng7
Rf4 wins.
1.Rf4 Bxf4 2.Ng7+
Simply 1.Rf4, no?! White will remain at least an exchange up and win pretty easily. Would be interesting to know how much earlier Ray had to see that move prior to venturing into this very position.
rf4 if bf4 ng7+
I like Rf4 (the rook was toast anyway)
1. … Rxf4
2. Nxf4 Bxf4
3. d6 wins
1. … Bxf4
2. Ng7+ Kg5
3. Nxf5 Kxf5
4. d6 wins