DATE: Oct. 16, 2008
By Cory Chandler
WHAT: Ribbon cutting of new chess sets and terminal displays
WHEN: 2 p.m. Monday (Oct. 20)
WHERE: Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport
EVENT: In the past year, Lubbock and Texas Tech have embraced chess like perhaps no other community in the U.S.
The Texas Tech University Susan Polgar Institute for Chess Excellence SPICE), Visit Lubbock and the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce will hold a ribbon cutting to introduce two new displays that will show visitors why the Hub City has the best “knight” life in Texas.
Two large-scale chess sets – one each for the east and west wings of the terminal – will provide entertainment for travelers while a plaque, posters and other information will discuss SPICE.
Lubbock and Texas Tech were named co-city and co-university of the year, respectively, by the U.S. Chess Federation.
This is fantastic. Maybe more airports will follow your example.