This was the playoff game between Grischuk and Svidler. Black has the draw odd. White was winning and had a better game the entire time. Grischuk blundered on move 57. If he had played 57. Kd6, the title would have been his. Everything else would have been a dead draw. All Svidler had to do is draw this simple endgame and he would have won the World Blitz Championship. Svidler returned the favor.
White just played 59. Rf1+
59…Ke2??? [59…Kg2 60.Rxf5 Kxh2 61.Ke3 g3 62.Kf3 g2 63.Rg5 h3 64.Kf2 g1Q+ 65.Rxg1=] 60.Rxf5 g3 61.h3!! [61.hxg3 hxg3 62.Rg5 Kf2 63.Ke4 g2=] 61…g2 62.Rg5 Kf2 63.Ke4! 1-0
The World Championship title was within Svidler’s grasp. For some reason, he chose the losing line and the title went to Grischuk.
I watched the game live. the entire tournament was kind of chaotic. the website was not giving out so much important information. I dont think there are even copies of all the games.
However, I remember this ending. I tried to pickup the game again on ICC and forget where it is located. they did have some games.
I was under the impression that the game ended and that these last moves where analysis moves. on ICC we received the news that the game ended with Grischuk winning. then more moves came in. I had the impression these latter moves were not game moves but analysis moves by someone on ICC. so when the king moved wrong I did not think it mattered. but now I really dont know. fide should give all the official moves of all the games. anything less is outrageous.
there was nothing stopping them from running only 3 or 4 or 5 games at a time. the games only take 10 minutes. it would have allowed people to watch more games. they should also have automatic computer feed of the moves.
What a mess.
yeah, it was a weird end. I can’t belive Svidler had not hold that endgame. Congratulations to both.