O.K. I (I mean Google search) found it. It was Kramnik_Anand World championship match 2008,third game.Anand missed 33….. Bxd3+.Instead he played 33…. Bh3 but won the game.Yancey had mentioned something on October 9 which helped my search.
Last time we had ignored shortest checkmate but just stopped after winning Q. 33…Bxd3+ 34.Rxd3 Qc4+ 35.Rc3 Qxe2+ 36.Kb3 Rb1 37.Rc2 Qd3+ 38.Rc3 Qd5+ 39.Ka3 Qd2 (Now 40.Kb4 Rxb2+ 41.Ka5 Qd5+ 42.Rc5 Qa8#) 40.Rc2 Qxc2 41.Kb4 Rxb2+ 42.Ka5 Qc5+ 43.Ka6 Qb6# After 36…. Rg2 37.Kb4 Qxb2+ 38.Rb3 Qd4+ 39.Kb5 Rg7 40.Kc6 Qd5+ 41.Kb6 Rb7+ 42.Ka6 Qxb3 43.h3 Qb6# Even though my analysis is not exhaustive I feel check mate will come by black’s 43rd move. that means mate in 11.
Repeat of October 9,2014.
I do not know the players but Yancey does.
I only know that it is 33rd move for black.
O.K. I (I mean Google search) found it.
It was Kramnik_Anand World championship match 2008,third game.Anand missed 33….. Bxd3+.Instead he played 33…. Bh3 but won the game.Yancey had mentioned something on October 9 which helped my search.
Last time we had ignored shortest checkmate but just stopped after winning Q.
34.Rxd3 Qc4+
35.Rc3 Qxe2+
36.Kb3 Rb1
37.Rc2 Qd3+
38.Rc3 Qd5+
39.Ka3 Qd2
(Now 40.Kb4 Rxb2+ 41.Ka5 Qd5+ 42.Rc5 Qa8#)
40.Rc2 Qxc2
41.Kb4 Rxb2+
42.Ka5 Qc5+
43.Ka6 Qb6#
After 36…. Rg2 37.Kb4 Qxb2+ 38.Rb3 Qd4+ 39.Kb5 Rg7 40.Kc6 Qd5+ 41.Kb6 Rb7+ 42.Ka6 Qxb3 43.h3 Qb6#
Even though my analysis is not exhaustive I feel check mate will come by black’s 43rd move. that means mate in 11.
I do not know how my comment was labelled as anonymous (at 2:46:00 AM CST)I certainly want to take the credit for my search.
1. Bxd3+ Rxd3 (1. … Qxd3 2. Rg2+ Kd1 3. Qg1+ 4. Qf1 Qxf1#) 2. Qc4+ Rc3 (2. … Kd2 3. Qc1#) 3. Qxe2+ 1-0