Chess/ World no.5 Teimour Radjabov takes part in the King’s Tour in Sibiu
de Lucretia Andriev, transl/adapt. C.B.
Vineri, 12 iunie 2009, 19:11
Six of the world’s best chess players are competing in the King’s Tour third edition. The competition is hosted this year from May 13 to 25 in Bazna, Sibiu (Transilvania) and will reach level XX – Medium Elo: 2729 – the most valuable chess competition Romania has ever hosted.
The tour in Bazna will feature Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan, rating: 2756, world’s 5th), Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine, rating: 2746, world’s12h), Alexei Shirov (Spain, rating: 2745, world’s 13’th), Boris Gelfand (Israel, rating: 2733, world’s 15th), Gata Kamsky (SUA, rating: 2720, world’s 24th)and Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu, ex-European Champion and three times Romania’s top chess player (rating: 2675, world’s 55th).
“I’m ready to fight in the Kink’s tour! It is a pleasure to be in Romania for the first time. All participants are top class players with great experience, for example Da Nisieanu, who was Europe’s champion and he’s certainly the toughest Romanian chess player I’ve ever met. I’ll do my best to win the first place”, Radjabov declared, according to Romanian Chess Federation.
The competition will officially start on June 13, from 10AM (local time). The first match will be played the following day.
You can find more information on the competition here.
Nice Queens 😉
Are those his seconds for this event ?
Those are his 2nd & 3rd!
Blonde or Brunette…
Life is hard for Radjabov.