If all coaches know the X’s and O’s of sports very well, why are some way more successful than others?
This question came from a number of people who have asked me in the past. What does it take to be very successful in what you do, whether it is playing, coaching, and promoting chess, running a business, or any other field?
What is your opinion?
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
This is not a question for an anonymous-based blog space. Please rephrase.
Great question. Would love to know the answer.
This is rather tricky since success has different meanings to different people and especially at different levels. When coaching children is it a success when only when you win, only when they learn, only when they are enjoying the activity or some combination? In my opinion for children improvement and enjoyment are more important than wins, but the competition is needed for an evaluation of the improvement.
In that context a successful coach is one that makes coaching about teaching, that connects with the players, and most of all that looks at success from the perspective of the players and doesn’t make it an ego driven activity.
Hi Susan Polgar,
Just knowing and implying the X’s and O’s of sport,may be essential & enough for the sportsman but just knowing the X’s and O’s of sport alone isn’t enough for a coach.
Essence Of Great Coach
1.Skillful practitioner of human psychology. [ Will be helpful, right from recruiting,training and motivating the correct sportsman for correct sport ].
2.Innovation [ In training,teaches,how to turn the impossible(To others)possible to his/her students ]
3.Trains their students,how to approach unforeseen scenarios /situations in a sport,to succeed.
[“Approach to any given issue” travels half of the way towards success/failure to attain/achieve it ].
4.Coach himself/herself should have ever ending passion towards the concerned sport.
5.Passion leads / finds a way,to let open the unexplored,be what the toughness – lol. [ Point number “5” is applicable and most essential,in all endeavors,be it business,sport,life ].
Venky [ India – Chennai ]
Hi Susan, saw Q. on twitter.
jlueke .. agree with you ..
quite often , parents and coaches judge success by winning tournaments..
I feel judged by the results of my players .. and accordingly want them to do well as proof I’m a good coach ?!
Great coaching,motivates and inspires a student rather than to push and pressurize.
Coaching skill .. easy to pressurize, not so easy to inspire. If someone out there is an inspirational coach .. pls share.
Brendan, Galway.
A successful coach knows the methods on how to motivate someone to practice/study.
A simple rule
It is not cheating if you don’t get caught.
As they say in Nascar: If you aren’t cheating you aren’t trying.
Be very competitive and creative. Look for every possible angle to grab an advantage. Put in 10,000 hours and be prepared
Not true. If every football team knew the x’s and o’s you wouldn’t see all those dumb mistakes in the NFL.