Ah, this is pretty! Took me several minutes to spot that threatened mate after 1. …Nb3. Because of that threat, white is toast…
1. ……Nb3
Threatens 2. …Rc1+ followed by 3. …Ra1#. The move also puts a double attack on the rook at d2. The best continuation I see is just to take the knight, though white is still going to lose the full rook because the knight is also unprotected:
2. Rb3 Rb3
And even if white blocks with Rb2, black just exchanges rooks and then plays Rb4+ to win the knight.
1…. Nb3 lands white in a fix.It threatens 2… Rc1+ 3.Ka2 Ra1# .In addition R at d2 is threatened. Apparently 2.R(d2)c2 prevents both but 2… Rd1+ again leads to mate. 2.R(b2)c2 does not help because of 2…. Nxd2+ winning a R.Exchange sacrifice 2.Rxb3 Rxb3+ 3.Rb2 Rxb2+ 4.Kxb2 Rb4+ wins N also totaling a win of a R.
Ah, this is pretty! Took me several minutes to spot that threatened mate after 1. …Nb3. Because of that threat, white is toast…
1. ……Nb3
Threatens 2. …Rc1+ followed by 3. …Ra1#. The move also puts a double attack on the rook at d2. The best continuation I see is just to take the knight, though white is still going to lose the full rook because the knight is also unprotected:
2. Rb3 Rb3
And even if white blocks with Rb2, black just exchanges rooks and then plays Rb4+ to win the knight.
Nb3 followed by Rc1+
Nb3 followrd by Bc1+
The a4 pawn gives BN a strong field:
1. … Nb3!
2. Rxd3?? (alt. below) Rc1+!
3. Ka2 Ra1#
2. Rdc2?? Rd1+!
3. Rc1 (Ka2 Ra1#) Rxc1+
4. Ka2 Ra1#
2. Rxb3? Rxb3+
3. Ka2 Rxb5
is up with rook.
Remaining critical line:
1. … Nb3!
2. Rbc2 (enf.) Nxd2+!
3. Kc1 (enf.) Rxc2+!
4. Kxc2 Rxd5!
5. Nc3 (enf.) Ra5!
6. Kxd2 (any better?) a3
black wins, up with quality and 2 pawns.
1…. Nb3 lands white in a fix.It threatens 2… Rc1+ 3.Ka2 Ra1# .In addition R at d2 is threatened. Apparently 2.R(d2)c2 prevents both but 2… Rd1+ again leads to mate.
2.R(b2)c2 does not help because of 2…. Nxd2+ winning a R.Exchange sacrifice 2.Rxb3 Rxb3+ 3.Rb2 Rxb2+ 4.Kxb2 Rb4+ wins N also totaling a win of a R.
1. Nb3 Rxb3 (only way to stop 2. Rc1+ Ka2 3. Ra1#)
2. Rxb3+ Rb2
3. Rb4 double rook
1. Nb3 looks strong.
If 1 .. Rxb3, 2. Rxb3+, followed by Rxb5. If 1 .. Rxd3, 2. Rc1+, followed by Ra1#.