Post Super Bowl Chess Tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should White proceed? r7/5r2/6R1/3nPB1k/2bpN3/p3p3/4P2P/6K1 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
I think..
1. Ng3+ Kh4
2. Rg4+ Kh3
3. Rg5+ Kh4
4. Rh5#
Nc3 to protect f5. The position though is not aggressive enough for White and can easily give the advantage to Black.
1. Ng3+ Kh4
2. Rg4+ Kh3
3. Rxd4#
Hey Chess World,
As just a woodpusher I no doubt will be corrected but is it a draw?
Ng3+ Kh4, Rh6 Kg5, Rg6+ Kh4 and repeat 3 times.
1.Ng3+ Kh4 2.Rg4+ Kh3 3.Rg5+ Rxf5 4.Nxf5 Rg8 5.Rxg8 Bxe2 6.Rg3#.
1.Ng3+ Kh4 2.Rg4+ Kh3 3.Rg5+!! Rxf5 4.Nxf5! followed by unstoppable Rg3#
that’s my own analysis……
1.Ng3+ Kh4
2.Rg4+ Kh3
3.Rg5+ Kh4
– High skill from MR KO (Malaysian)
1.Ng3+ Kh4 2.Rg4+ Kh3 3.Rg5+
I) 3….Kh4 4.Rh5 mate !
II) 3….Rxf5 4.Nxf5 and Black can only delay Rg3 mate by 4….Rg8 5.Rxg8 ad libitum 6.Rg3 mate
1.Ng3+ Kh4 2.Rg4+ Kh3 3.Rg5+ Rxf5
(3…Kh4 4.Rh5+)
4.Nxf5 and Rg3 mate next
1 Ng3+ Kh4
2 Rg4+ Kh3
3 Rg5+ Rxf5
4 Nxf5 followed by
5 Rg3#
1.Ng3+ Kh4
2.Rh6+ Kg5
Betst Regards
N g3 chk, K moves to g4, R to h6 chk, I think white wins.
Isn’t 1. Ng3+ 2. Rg4 mate?
1. e4-g3+, h5-h4
2. g6-g4+, h4-h3
3. g4-f4++