Special Bonus: Annual plan includes 1 year of FREE World Chess Live membership!

– Affordable Chess Training with World-Class Instructors!

– Weekly Classes for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels!

– Classes are personally being conducted by me and many other World-Class Chess Trainers!

Polgar Chess University: My new online chess training program where students of all levels, no matter where they live, have an opportunity to learn chess from some of the best instructors in the game. I created this online school with the dream of bringing expert advice and training to chess enthusiasts around the world at a very affordable cost.

I developed the structured curriculum, personally teaching many of the courses along with other top chess players and professional instructors who will be joining the faculty as the school grows. Polgar Chess University is initially offered in this format:

– Courses identified by level – Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced

– Three general courses, one at each level, run concurrently

– Course lessons are prerecorded lectures that may be viewed at your convenience

– A new lesson in each course is offered each week, on Mondays

– Earlier lessons may be retrieved from the library at no extra cost

– More specialized courses, especially for teachers, along with special guests and events, are planned for the future

Please visit http://www.polgarchessuniversity.com for more information.

Sign up now for a one year plan and get one year of World Chess Live membership FREE! For just less than $2 per week, you can learn from some of the best chess trainers in the world!

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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