Rick Perry attempted to get in front of his debate gaffe Thursday by appearing on eight television shows, including a cameo reading the Top 10 List of Best Rick Perry Excuses on the “Late Show with David Letterman:”
10. Actually there were three reasons I messed up last night. One was the nerves. Two was the headache and three um … uh … oops.
9. I don’t know what you’re talking about, I think things went well.
8. Hey I was up late last night watching “Dancing with the Stars.”
7. I thought the debate was tonight.
6. Hey listen you try concentrating when Mitt Romney’s smiling at you. That is one handsome dude.
5. Uh, El Nino?
4. I had a five hour energy drink six hours before the debate.
3. You know I really hoped it would get me on my favorite talk show, but instead I ended up here.
2. I wanted to help take the heat off my buddy Herman Cain.
1. I just learned Justin Bieber is my father.
Source: http://www.outsidethebeltway.com