If you can watch this, your computer is probably insecure. The “ActiveX” feature of your browser, which video.aol.com uses, is a major security problem, which you really need to disable in your browsers security settings. See for example the late-breaking http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/927892.mspx – skip down to “Suggested actions”, and you’ll see that even Microsoft is recommending disabling ActiveX.
You can always make an exception for video.aol.com (put it in “Trusted sites”), if you trust these guys.
I don’t, so I can’t watch any of Susan’s video links. Google video and youtube are run in a somewhat more clueful fashion than AOL. Susan, I hope in the future we’ll be seeing more links to those instead.
Hillarious! Thanks for the laugh!
If you can watch this, your computer is probably insecure. The “ActiveX” feature of your browser, which video.aol.com uses, is a major security problem, which you really need to disable in your browsers security settings. See for example the late-breaking http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/927892.mspx – skip down to “Suggested actions”, and you’ll see that even Microsoft is recommending disabling ActiveX.
You can always make an exception for video.aol.com (put it in “Trusted sites”), if you trust these guys.
I don’t, so I can’t watch any of Susan’s video links. Google video and youtube are run in a somewhat more clueful fashion than AOL. Susan, I hope in the future we’ll be seeing more links to those instead.
(Imagining tiny hamster voices)
“Dude, I’m so wasted!” 🙂