Pattern recognition Difficult endgame, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should White proceed?8/5p2/1N1R4/8/5k1K/8/4p1P1/8 w – – 0 1 Platov, 1907 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1.g3 Kf5 (1…Ke5 2.Te8 +-; 1…Kf3 2.Td3 Kf2 3.Td2 +-; 2…Ke4 3.Te8 +-)
2.Td5 Ke6 (2…Kf6 3.Nd7, 4.Te5+-)
3.Nc4 (3.Td8? Ke7!) K:d5 4.Ne3, 5.Nc2 +-)
it seems to me hat in all variations black queens with check, what haven’t i seen, g3+ is met by kf5, Rd5+ Ke6 and black queens…. Rd4+ Ke5 or Ke3 leads to the same and if Nd5+ then Ke5 (..Ke4??, Nc3+ and Nxe2)…so how to stop the pawn?
Ok i see it now g3+ Kf5, Rd5+ Ke6 (i was on the right path) Rd8 Ke7, Rd3! e1=Q, Re3+ Qxe3, Nd5+ and white wins….nice endgame, very instructive
1. Rf6+ Ke5
2. R:f7 Ke6
3. R:f8 Ke7
4. R:f3! e1:Q
5. R:e3+! Q:e3
6. N:d5+ +-
by Stulzer
1.g3 Kf5 2.Rd5 Ke6 3.Rd8 Ke7 4.Rd3!! e1Q 5.Re3 Qe3 6.Nd5 +-
thanks! regards,
Oh… im sorry
maybe 1. g3+
Rf6 wins. King has to come in the line of pawn . RXf7 , E8Q, Re7+, and take pawn in the next move
The best I can come up with is the following. There may be a better line.
1. g3+ Kf5
2. Rd5+ Ke6
3. Nc4 Kxd5
4. Ne3+ Ke4
5. Nc2 Kd3
5. Ne1 Kd2
6. Nf3 e1(Q)
7. Nxe1 Kxe1
8. Kg5 Kf2
9. g4 Kf3
White wins if Black doesn’t play 1… Kf5 and 2… Ke6
1. g3 is to prevent a check on queening.
If white is supposed to win this, don’t see the line.
Anonymous 1:06:00AM
1.g3 Kf5
2.Td5 Ke6
3. Td8?
but actually
if Ke7 Td3 followed by Te3+ and Nd5 +
Nice puzzle. After Rd8, Ke7, I totally missed Rd3-e3