QxE6 (if, F7 x E6, F5-F8++) At this point, White threatens mate a couple of different ways. Black can delay with …Q-H1+, but the White King can be chased to G4, then eventually H5, and the pawn to G4 seems to block any further activities
The Black N is a strong defender , preventing Qg5 # and Qg7 #. If the f7 pawn were not there,the black N would prevent Qf8#. So , that N must go – Qxe6 and if fxe6,Rf8#. Othwerwise,to prevent immediate checkmate,Black can play Qh3.This is the first of the “spite checks” :these only delay,but do not prevent,Rf8#.
Qxe6 fxe6 Rf8 Matt !
And after Qxe6 Qh1 i go to outside like later on Kh5 and move g4 and no Chess can come !
Rf4 wins
Qxe6 fxe6 Rf8 Matt !
And after Qxe6 Qh1 i go to outside like later on Kh5 and move g4 and no Chess can come !
No defence against Qxe6?
Qxe6 threatening Rf8#
1. Rg5+ Qg6 (Ng5 2. Qg7#)
2. Rg6 hxg6
Wins Q for R.
1. Rg5+! Qg6 2. Rxg6+ 1-0
If 1. … Nxg5 then 2. Qg7#
My previous comment overlooked this:
1. Qe6+ Rd8
2. Qf7+ Kh8
3. Qg7#
1. …. fxe6
2. Rf8#
1. …. Qd5
2. Qe8#
QxE6 (if, F7 x E6, F5-F8++)
At this point, White threatens mate a couple of different ways. Black can delay with …Q-H1+, but the White King can be chased to G4, then eventually H5, and the pawn to G4 seems to block any further activities
1. Rg5+
1. … Qg6
2. Rxg6
1. … Nxg5
2. Qg7#
The Black N is a strong defender , preventing Qg5 # and Qg7 #.
If the f7 pawn were not there,the black N would prevent Qf8#. So , that N must go – Qxe6 and if fxe6,Rf8#.
Othwerwise,to prevent immediate checkmate,Black can play Qh3.This is the first of the “spite checks” :these only delay,but do not prevent,Rf8#.
1. Qxe6!! Qh1+
(1. Rg5+ doesn’t work since Nxg5+ is also a check!!!!)
2. Kg4 Qe1+
3. Kg5 Qe3+
4. Kh5 Qe2+
5. g4 1-0