My old friends GMs Korchnoi and Yusupov before the start of round 1. Victor was preparing to face the 5-time Russian Champion Peter Svidler. When he saw me on stage, he got up and came to say hello.
I thought korchnoi hated polgars. Saw the video showing korch vs polgar(2nd ) and korchnoi got so angry…so hilarious. lol..he lost the 1/0 game n angrily replied” that was the last time u gonna beat me ” .lololl
I thought korchnoi hated polgars. Saw the video showing korch vs polgar(2nd ) and korchnoi got so angry…so hilarious. lol..he lost the 1/0 game n angrily replied” that was the last time u gonna beat me ” .lololl
“he lost the 1/0 game”
What a crap! They didn’t play any 1/0 games. You obviously heard or saw something, but you have no idea what it was all about. So please shut up.
Besides what does Korchnoi’s losing a game to Sofia, have to do with Susan???
Aren’t they sisters?
This will be the first and the last time you slander Korchnoi’s reputation on Susan’s Blog in your life, Ja?