New on the Chess.FM blog…
Garry Kasparov has shared his experience with talented young juniors throughout his career, but he has never taken on the dedicated training of a single player, until now.
This week details came to light of Kasparov’s ongoing collaboration with world #4 Magnus Carlsen. Now Kasparov himself weighs in on why he took the job, and what he expects from the road ahead.
Kasparov compares Magnus to former world champions, discusses his 2009 results, and explains why they make a good team.
Thanks to Chess.FM host Mig Greengard (ICC: Mig) of for conducting this interview. The pair were on the train back from Washington D.C. to New York, and the video was recorded on Mig’s mobile phone.
Video: available at permalink (Please excerpt and site original!):
Robson can be as good as Carlsen.
Yikes!! Carlsen was already on his way to being the best in the world.
Robson can be as good as Carlsen???
Magnus-pov is going to kill! All bow to the might M!
karpolagan and magasparov hehe!!