If two or more players finally reach the same number of points, these rules apply as confirmed in a players’ meeting:
1) The player or players with the highest number of wins qualifies.
2) If still equal the player or players with a positive result in internal games will qualify.
3a) If still equal between two players, two blitz games are played, with 4 minutes plus 2 seconds per move.
3b) In case of a three-way tie, there will be a single round blitz tournament also with 4 minutes plus 2 seconds per move.
4) If it is still equal, there is one ”Armageddon” blitz game with 5 minutes against 4.
Official website:
Standings after 4 rounds:
1. Svidler 3.0
2-3. Nakamura, Carlsen 2.5
4. Lie 0.0
Round 5:
Carlsen – Svidler
Lie – Nakamura
Round 6:
Svidler – Lie
Nakamura – Carlsen
Go Magnus!
Interesting Chess Picture!
Peter, you got it!
Carlsen – Svidler 1-0
Lie – Nakamura 0-1
Go Magnus!