1.Rb3 Bh1 2.Nf2+ Kg2 3.Nxh1 c4 4.Rg3+ I think there is no problem whit the Knight because of tactit whit the Bishop. Ex: 3…Be5 4.Rb1 c4 5.Kb4 c3 6.Kb3 Bf6 7.Kc2 Be5 8.Kd3 Bf6 (not Bg7 9. Ng3) 9.Re1 Bh8 and now Re4, Re6 or Re7 must win.
7b/1b6/8/2p5/8/K1RN3k/8/8 w – – 0 1 Shows the position of the pieces: 7 squares Bishop(black)/1 square Bishop 6 squares etc… Capital letters are White pieces, numbers = blank squares and / represents rows from 8 to 1
1.Rb3 and the Bb7 has no good square:
1…Bg2 2.Ne5+ Kh2 3.Ng4+ Kg1 4.Rb1+ Bf1 5.Ne3
1…Bd5 2.Nf4+
1…c4 2.Rxb7 cxd3 3.Rh7+
7b/1b6/8/2p5/8/K1RN3k/8/8 w – – 0 1
Do these notations show the solution ?
I agree with Soylent.
However, after 1Rb3, what about 1..Bh1?
2 Nf2++ Kg2 3 Nxh1 c4 4 Rb8 (b1)
Be5 (Bd4): in both cases, it
looks very difficult to extract the N.
1.Rb3 Bh1 2.Nf2+ Kg2 3.Nxh1 c4 4.Rg3+
I think there is no problem whit the Knight because of tactit whit the Bishop.
3…Be5 4.Rb1 c4 5.Kb4 c3 6.Kb3 Bf6 7.Kc2 Be5 8.Kd3 Bf6 (not Bg7 9. Ng3) 9.Re1 Bh8 and now Re4, Re6 or Re7 must win.
7b/1b6/8/2p5/8/K1RN3k/8/8 w – – 0 1
Shows the position of the pieces:
7 squares Bishop(black)/1 square Bishop 6 squares etc…
Capital letters are White pieces, numbers = blank squares and / represents rows from 8 to 1