Monday night chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should White proceed? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
White should proceed by carrying out his intended plan …
… which is to get Rs and Bs working together, checking and discovered-checking the stranded King – and even threatening mate.
1.Rxf6 can be followed by (gxf6) Bh5# or (Bxg6) Re8# …
… so Black only has Qxb3 (Bh5+) or Be6 (Rfxe6)
Black also has QxQm doesn’t have to take the rook immediately
1Rxf6 Qxb3
2 Bh5+!! gf(if 2.. Kg8 3 Rxe7 goes to
the same lines)
3 Bh6+ Kg7 4 Rxe7 Be6
(to avoid 5 Re8X: on 4..Qa4
5Rg7+ Kf8 6 Rd7 + Rg8 7 Rd8 Qe8 8Rxe8x)
Now W wins by continous checking:
followed by ab.
1896?? Didn’t know Jay Whitehead was that old.