Very nice. 1… Bb6+!! wins a minor piece (though the advantage is questionable, as black is already two pawns down).
1… Bb6+ 2. Kf1 Rd8 (2. Be3 Qxd3 3. exd3 Bxe3+) 3. Bd6 Qxd3 (if the white queen tries to move away, Rd1 is checkmate). 4. exd3 Rxd6
At this point black has a positional advantage which he can use to increase his material advantage too (to start with, I think black can easily capture the f/g pawns). For example, black is threatening both Rxd3 and Be3. If white plays Ke2 to counter both, he risks Bg1 as well as Re6+ followed by Be3.
Bb6+ Kf1
Rd8 Qxa6
nothing like a rook in an open file baby… rook line and sinker… lol
good strategy! ^_^
Nice one!
1…. Bb6+
2. Kf1/h1 Rd8 wins
Instead of Kf1/h1, if 2. Be3 then
2. Be3 Rd8
3. QxQ Bxe3+
4. K-moves Rd1#
Kh1 or f1, Rd1++
Think this is right?
Bb6 Be3
Qa5 Kf1
Arctic Knight
1… Bb6+
2. Kf1 (or 2. Kh1) Rd8
3. Qxa6 Rd1#
If 2. Be3 then
2…Qxd3 3. exd3 Bxe3
Kf1 Rd8! and the queen is lost
1…Bb6+ threatening 2…Rd8
White will have to give up queen for rook, or can hope that Black misses the order of checks:
2. Be3 Rd8
3. Qxa6 Bxe3+! and 4…Rd1#
Very nice. 1… Bb6+!! wins a minor piece (though the advantage is questionable, as black is already two pawns down).
1… Bb6+
2. Kf1 Rd8 (2. Be3 Qxd3 3. exd3 Bxe3+)
3. Bd6 Qxd3 (if the white queen tries to move away, Rd1 is checkmate).
4. exd3 Rxd6
At this point black has a positional advantage which he can use to increase his material advantage too (to start with, I think black can easily capture the f/g pawns). For example, black is threatening both Rxd3 and Be3. If white plays Ke2 to counter both, he risks Bg1 as well as Re6+ followed by Be3.
I think the answer is Bb6+ followed by Rd8
1…, Bb6+
2 Kf1 or h1, Rd8
And now the white queen is pinned because of Rd1#
If 2. Be3 qxd3 wins a piece
If 2. Kf1 or Kh1 Rd8! forces R-for-Q exchange
Think i have it. It seems the elegant solution, though havent checked everything
… Bb6!
Be3 Rd8
Qxc8 Bxc8
if Qxa6 Bxe3!
Kf1 Rd1#
Lb6+ and after Kf1 or h1 Td8!!!
Bb6+ and Rd8
Bb6 and Rd8
1. … Bb6+
2. Be3 Rd8
I think that would be met by:
3. Qe4