Monday morning chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should White proceed? 1kq4r/2n2bp1/pB3p2/pP2p3/3p4/Q1b2B2/2P2PP1/R4K2 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Ba7+ followed by Qc5+ and Qc6. Quite easy. 🙂
Ba7+ Kxa7 Qc5+ Kb8 Qb6+ Qb7 Qxb7#
1. Ba7+, Kxa7
2. Qc5+, Kb8
3. Kb6+, Qb7
4. Qxb7#
Ba7+ forces mate. Black has to capture, then the queen can check with tempo and mate in two more moves.
Ba7+!! ^_^ everything is forced now… after Kxa7 Qc5+ ^_^
1. Ba7+ Kxa7
2. Qc5+ Kb8
3. Qb6+ and white should win.
thank you for sharing. 🙂
1. Ba7+ , Kxa7
2. Qc5+ , Kb1
3. Qb6+ , Qb7
4. Qxb7#
Greetings from Spain
1.Ba7+ Kxa7 2.Qc5+ Kb8 3.Qb6+ Qb7 4.Qxb7#
– SS
1.Ba7+ KxB, 2.Qc5+ Kb8, 3.Qb6+ Qb7, 4.QxQ++
1Ba7+ KxB 2Qc5+ Kb8 3Qb6 Qb7 4QxQ mate
ba7+kxb, qc5+kb8, qb6+qb7, qxq mate.
Though this is easy, I love to solve the puzzles in your newsletter!
Starting with 1. Ba7!, White manages to bring the Queen in b6 with mate to follow.
Seems like all forced moves will win:
1. Ba7 Ka7
2. Qc5 Kb8
3. Qb6 Qb7
4. Qb7#
mate in 4:
1. Ba7+ Kxa7
2. Qc5+ Kb8
3. Qb6+ Qb7
4. Qxb7#
greets, jan
My name is Jack A. Laughertee. Black is up a horsey and I think some pawns, but I can’t count that high. Anyway, I resign. I don’t like to lose. Waaaaa.