1. Be5 Qe5 2. Rg8 Rg8 3. Nf7# So, the bishop cannot be taken with black’s first move. Alteratives are hardly better
1. Be5 Rc1 2. Qc1 Bc1 3. Rg8 is still a mate like above. Indeed, the only move seems to be to block the g-file with the bishop:
1. Be5 Bg5 2. Bf6 Nf6 3. Rg5 hg5 4. Ba6 and black has a terrible choice of whether to move the hanging rook at c8, take the bishop at a6 and lose the knight to a queen pin, or save the knight and let the bishop go. Or, simpler, just resign.
If that f7 pawn was unguarded Nxf7 would be mate. This suggests:
1. Bd5 (threat: 2. Rg8+ Rxg8 3. Nxf7#)
Black has various poor defenses (1. … Qxd5?, 1. … Rg8?, 1. … Qg7?). The best appears to be 1. .. Bg5 which stops the mate:
1. Bd5 Bg5 2. Bxf6+ Nxf6 and I don’t see a mate here but after… 3. Nxc8 Rxc8 4. Bxa6 Rxa6 … White is up by a queen and a rook against two pieces and four pawns which should be enough to win.
1.Be5 Bg5 2.Rxg5(renewing the mate threat 2…Rc1+ (not 2…hxg5?? 3.Qh5!) 3.Qxc1 (forced) 3…Bxd3 The ever present intermezzo check. Where there is life there is hope. Being a good chess player is about being extremely stubborn. When things look the bleakest look for counterplay. And remember look for the indirect defense (the best defense is a good offense). Believe in yourself and you can do amazing things.
1 Be5 ! Qxe5
2 Rg8+ Rxg8
3 Nxf7 mate
Be5! pinning out the queen and if Qxe5 then Rg8+! Rxg8 Nf7#
Be5 is definitely the first move to catch my eye
1. Be5 Qe5
2. Rg8 Rg8
3. Nf7# So, the bishop cannot be taken with black’s first move. Alteratives are hardly better
1. Be5 Rc1
2. Qc1 Bc1
3. Rg8 is still a mate like above. Indeed, the only move seems to be to block the g-file with the bishop:
1. Be5 Bg5
2. Bf6 Nf6
3. Rg5 hg5
4. Ba6 and black has a terrible choice of whether to move the hanging rook at c8, take the bishop at a6 and lose the knight to a queen pin, or save the knight and let the bishop go. Or, simpler, just resign.
How about
1. Be5 Qxe5
2. Rg8+ Rxg8
3. Nxf7 mate
Black’s up four pawns so White must attack.
If that f7 pawn was unguarded Nxf7 would be mate. This suggests:
1. Bd5 (threat: 2. Rg8+ Rxg8 3. Nxf7#)
Black has various poor defenses (1. … Qxd5?, 1. … Rg8?, 1. … Qg7?). The best appears to be 1. .. Bg5 which stops the mate:
1. Bd5 Bg5
2. Bxf6+ Nxf6 and I don’t see a mate here but after…
3. Nxc8 Rxc8
4. Bxa6 Rxa6
… White is up by a queen and a rook against two pieces and four pawns which should be enough to win.
1 Be5 Qxe5
2 Rg8+ Exg8
3 Nxf7#
Be5, and if QxB, then Rg8+ followed by NxB7 mate
Be5! QxB
Rg8+ RxR
1. Be5! Qxe5 2. Rg8+!
1. Be5!! Qxe5
2. Rg8+ Rxg8
3. Nxf7+ mate.
Be5 with mating threat wins the black queen.
1. Be5 and white wins
be5 follow by rg8+ and Nf7++
1. Be5! wins. If 1. … Qxe5 to save the pinned queen, then 2. Rg8+ Rxg8 3. Nxf7#. Otherwise White will win the queen and the game.
1.Be5 QxBe5 2.Rg8+ RxRg8 3.Nxf7 checkmate!
Id go with Be5
Be5 Qxe5
Rg8+ Rxg8
Be5 Rc1+
Qxc1 Bxc1
Rg8+ Rxg8
am i right?
1.Be5 Bg5
2.Rxg5(renewing the
mate threat
2…Rc1+ (not 2…hxg5?? 3.Qh5!)
3.Qxc1 (forced)
The ever present intermezzo check.
Where there is life there is hope.
Being a good chess player is about being extremely stubborn. When things look the bleakest look for counterplay. And remember look for the indirect defense (the best defense is a good offense). Believe in yourself and you can do amazing things.
1.Be5! Qxe5 2.Rg8+ Rxg8 3.Nxf7 mate !
A simple problem for a change!
1. Be5 and either
1…. Qxe5
2. Rg8+ Rxg8
3. Nxf7#
1…. Bxg1
2. Qxg1 Rc1+
(2…. Qe5 3. Rg8+ Rxg8 4. Nxf7#)
3. Qxc1 Qxe5
4. Nxf7+ Rxf7
5. Qc8+ Rf8
6. Qxf8#
Susan i think UM seein a ghost does Be5,b6,Rg8+,Rg8, Nf7. work?