Father of WCM Claudia Muñoz
Mexican Chess Open Sonora 2012
Final Round
This morning Claudia defeated Juan Hidalgo Morales of Mexico FIDE rating 1929. After a difficult start, Claudia did not lose heart or passion but fought and won 3 of the last 5-rounds of this nine round FIDE event with 115-player. With only five female chess players in a section where eight of the nine players she faced were higher rated than her, she clearly demonstrated enormous potential growth this year. At 14-years old she leaves this event with three wins, one draw and five defeats.
After the round was over, Claudia and I went to board one to watch GM Emilio Cordova and GM Manuel Leon Hoyos battle for first place. Mexican GM Hoyos won the game, which was the crowd favorite since his father passed away less than 10-days ago due to a heart attack in his native Yucatan. (Manuel will join his SPICE teammates at Webster University in August as a freshman. We all look forward to have this wonderful and talented young man as a part of the SPICE program.)
Tomorrow night we will be leaving Hermosillo, Sonora to head back home. Claudia’s next event will be in 12- days as she will give a lecture to young teens, play a 20-board simul and play in the Western Kentucky Open.
God is so awesome!
Source: http://chesscampeona.com
Isn’t Claudia’s father Mexican? I find it funny that he calls Manuel Leon Hoyos “GM Hoyos”, when according to Mexican naming custom, Leon Hoyos is his last name, and therefore he should be called “GM Leon”, or “GM Leon Hoyos”.
I am Claudia’s father. This article is a reprint of the original article we wrote on our website:
The title you see here in Susan’s website is not ours. The original title in our website was
Thank you Rafael for your concern about the proper naming of Manuel, we appreciate Susan for promoting chess and in this case two young Hispanics, regardless that Manuel is from Yucatan or Claudia is from Texas, both are young Latinos.
The fact of the matter is that GM Manuel Leon Hoyos won the Mexican Open 10 days after losing his father. The article did not state that the very first person to congratulate him after he rose from the table was me.
I told him, “Lo hiciste por tu padre.” “You did it for your dad.”
He simply shock his head. By the way, yes I am Mexican and yes I am an American, second generation American.
Abed Munoz