Spotted: Washington State Elementary Chess Championships at Fairgrounds
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Columbian Staff Writer
Elementary school students from across the state converged on the Clark County Event Center at the Fairgrounds on April 21 for the 2007 Washington State Elementary Chess Championships.
A record number of participants, more than 1,300, flooded into the exhibition hall with an estimated 6,000 to 7,000 people in attendance.
A brief traffic jam occurred just before the event was due to start, delaying the first round for 15 minutes, said Norm May, tournament organizer and coach for the Cornerstone Chess Club, which hosted the event.
In addition to the K-6 grade competition, organizers also held an “I Love Chess Too” tournament for any rated players who wanted to participate but didn’t qualify for the state championship.
Here is the full article.
Unfortunately, most are not USCF members.