• New Atrium Chess Club: The club meets 5-6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at the Science Spectrum.
This will be a time for kids and their parents to get together to play chess and learn informally with other kids and their parents. There is no charge, but kids should have a parent/responsible adult with them.
Monica and Abbie will be on site to supervise. Some of the Knight Raiders Chess Club members and I will drop in from time to time to help out.
Please note that the museum itself closes at 5 p.m. We get to use the atrium area. As some may know, there will be a Chess Tournament at the Science Spectrum on March 7 and the Lubbock Open Championship will be April 18 at Monterey High School.
We hope this will give the kids a chance to practice, play and learn the rules so that they can participate in these events. Even if tournaments are not your thing, they can develop their game.
• “Get Smart! Play Chess!” Spring Scholastic Chess Championship, March 7.
A four-round Swiss System Tournament (Game/30).
Event Site: Science Spectrum 2579 S. Loop 289.
Five rated sections: Primary (K-2), Elementary (K-5), Middle School (K-8), High School (K-12) and Quads for Adults. There is a total of 30 minutes maximum per player per game. There are two unrated sections where USCF memberships are not required: K-5 and 6-12 + parents / coaches.
• SPICE Spring Open Chess Championship, March 21.
A rated five-round Swiss System Tournament (Game/30)
Event Site: Texas Tech English Department Building
Games are played in three sections: Elementary (K-5), Middle / High School and (K-12) / Adults.
Thank you SPICE for the wonderful chess opportunities!
Is there an entrey fee for the tournament on march 21?