Ah. Cracked this one straight away. 1. Rxf2!! wins outright with a variety of mating attacks. The b7 bishop is white’s nemesis – he will have to give up his queen to survive in the game.
1… Qxf2 2. Bd4! pins the queen.
2… Qxd4 3. Qxd4+ Kf1 4. d2! and now white needs to give up more material to avoid mate.
4… Rxd2 5. Qxd2
I think the active queen can pick up white’s minor pieces one by one.
Note that if white allows the rook to survive the first move, it is checkmate straightaway (eg: Rg2+ etc.).
1…. Rxf2 2. Qxf2 2.Qb8 (to escape loss of Q by discovered check) or 2Nxd3 attacking black Q 2… Rg2++ Kh1 or Kf1 3. Qg1# 2…. Bd4 3. Qxd4 Qxd4+ 4. Kf1 Qxc4 threatening d2 dis+ 5. Kg1 Qd4+ 6. Kf1 d2 7. Rxd2 7Ng2 Bf3 7….Qxd2 Now black has Q for 2 minor pieces with relaxed position and should easily win.
My first instinct is to play d2, but I’m guessing the answer is Rxf2.
1.Rxf2…QxR 2.Bd4 wins the Queen
1… Rxf2 2QxR…Bd4 wins the white Queen
1… Rxf2 2.QxR… Bd4 wins the white Queen
1… Rxf2 2.QxR…Bd4 wins the whte Queen
Ah. Cracked this one straight away. 1. Rxf2!! wins outright with a variety of mating attacks. The b7 bishop is white’s nemesis – he will have to give up his queen to survive in the game.
1… Qxf2
2. Bd4! pins the queen.
2… Qxd4
3. Qxd4+ Kf1
4. d2! and now white needs to give up more material to avoid mate.
4… Rxd2
5. Qxd2
I think the active queen can pick up white’s minor pieces one by one.
Note that if white allows the rook to survive the first move, it is checkmate straightaway (eg: Rg2+ etc.).
1…. Rxf2 2. Qxf2
2.Qb8 (to escape loss of Q by discovered check) or 2Nxd3 attacking black Q 2… Rg2++ Kh1 or Kf1 3. Qg1#
2…. Bd4
3. Qxd4 Qxd4+
4. Kf1 Qxc4 threatening d2 dis+
5. Kg1 Qd4+
6. Kf1 d2
7. Rxd2
7Ng2 Bf3
Now black has Q for 2 minor pieces with relaxed position and should easily win.
2.Qxf2 Qxf2+
3.Kxf2 Bgd4#
Sorry knockout2011…pls recheck 3…Bd4+, it’s not mate. White K will just move to f1 and white wins because of heavy materials and positional advantage!