If the queen moves to b8 there is no smothered mate unless I’m mistaken, but 2.Nf7+ followed by Nd8+! cuts off the defenders and allows the white queen to deliver mate on e8/f8.
Of course 1.b6 Rxd6 might prolong black’s suffering a little bit, but after 2.cxd6 black can’t even take the pawn on b6 because of Rc8+.
After b6 the only good reply for black is Rxd6. White is probably better after cxd6. Then Qb8 or Qd8 and Rc7. but it doesn’t seem to be a clear forced win. The draw is also a possiblity:
Nf7+ Kh8 (only good move) Nh6+ Kg8 with draw by rep after Nf7+
if Kf8, then Qg8+ and white wins back more than the material.
b6! Queen moves anywhere..Nf7 + Kg8, Nh6+ Kh8 , Qg8+ Rxg8, Nf7 ++
I’m thinking about smothered mate but the black Queen covers the f7 square, so…maybe play b5 to force the Queen to move from the 7th rank ?
1. b6 Rxd6 not clear
Instead 1. Nf7 Kg8 2. Ne5 Kh8 and now 3. b6 after Queen moves it is smothering mate
If the queen moves to b8 there is no smothered mate unless I’m mistaken, but 2.Nf7+ followed by Nd8+! cuts off the defenders and allows the white queen to deliver mate on e8/f8.
Of course 1.b6 Rxd6 might prolong black’s suffering a little bit, but after 2.cxd6 black can’t even take the pawn on b6 because of Rc8+.
1.b6… if Rxd6 then 2.cxd6! continue with 3.d7 and finally, 4.Rc8+ and promote to d8 or dxc8
1.b6! Rxd6
other moves lead to mate:
a)1…Qc6 2.Nf7+ Kg8 3.Nh6+ Kh8 ( 3…Kf8 4.Qf7#) 4.Qg8+ Rxg8 5.Nf7#
b)1…Qd8 2.Nf7+ Kg8 3.Nxd8+ Kh8 4.Qe8+ Bf8 5.Qxf8#
c)1…Qb8 2.Nf7+ Kg8 3.Nd8+ Kh8 4.Qe8+ Bf8 5.Qxf8#
d)1…Qxd6 2.cxd6+-
2.cxd6 Qd8
3.Rc7! ( but not 3.d7? Nc6!-/+)
other moves are not better e.g.
A)3…a3 4.d7 a2 5.Rc8 a1Q 6.Rxd8+ Rxd8 7.Qe8+ Bf8 8.Rxa1+-
B)3…Qf6 4.Rc8+ Rxc8 5.Qxc8+ Bf8 6.d7 Nc6 7.Qxb7+-
C)3…Qf8 4.Rfc1 Nc6 5.R1xc6! bxc6 6.d7+-
4.Qxg8+ Kxg8
6.Rd1 Nxe3
7.Ra7 Rd8
8.b7 with a win
I agree with Vohaul up to his move 5 for Black. Then White has a stronger move on move 6,that being
6.Ra7 after which play might continue: 6…Rb8 7.b7 Bf8 8.Rc1 Nb6 9.Rc6 Nd7 10.Rc7 Kf7 11.Rxd7+ Ke6 12.Rxh7 Bxd6 13.Rxa4+-
1. b6 looks like the right first move.
nf7+,kg8 b6qb8 nd8dis+kh8 qe8+
Nf7 first is cleanest i think… Nf7+ Kg8, b6 Qb8 (Qd7 falls to Ne5), Nd8 Kh8, Qe8+ Bf8, Q*f8 ++
ah come on folks…
1.Nf7+? Kg8
2.Ne5+? Kf8!
3.b6 Qe7 -+
1.Nf7+? Kg8
2.Ng5+ Kh8
3.Nf7+ Kg8
4.Nh6+ =
1.Nf7+? Kg8
2.b6?? Qxf7 -+
After b6 the only good reply for black is Rxd6. White is probably better after cxd6. Then Qb8 or Qd8 and Rc7. but it doesn’t seem to be a clear forced win. The draw is also a possiblity:
Nf7+ Kh8 (only good move)
Nh6+ Kg8
with draw by rep after Nf7+
if Kf8, then Qg8+ and white wins back more than the material.
even Ng5+ repeats because if Kf8, Nxh7#
white wins by b6 qb8 nf7 kg8 nd8 kh8 qe8 bf8 qf8.
b6 Qb8 Nf7+ Kg8 Ng5+ Kh8 Rf3 Qf8 Rh3 blacks position falls.