2. R1e7 or 2. Rxd8 Rxd8 3. Re7 should be both correct but I like the direct way (looks nicer for the audience ^^).
“Obvious – maybe but I don’t think there is a complete solution above.” An anonym one did – of course billbrock’s shortcut is useful. Or hav you found anything against directly playing 2. R1e7 how proposed?
No, Dan, you’re wrong – sorry. Rd7 doesn’t defend g7/h7 against the white queen (only against Re7xh7 what is of course senseless) because the Re7 ‘block’s the line’ (I hope that’s understandable what I mean). Or what do you mean!?
rook to e8 ?
Re7 if Rd7 Re8
anonymous 1, if 1.Re8 then 1…Rff8.
1. Re8+ Rf8 2. R1e7 g5 3. Rxh7+ Qxh7 4. Qxf8+ Qg8 5. Qxg8 mate
2…g5 3.Qg7#
Please stop posting such obvious problems! Interesting tactics should be deep enough.
Obvious – maybe but I don’t think there is a complete solution above.
1 Re8+ Rf8 2. Rxd8 Rxd8 3. Re7 and I can’t see how black defends both g7 and h7.
Yahoo news are reporting Kasparov freed after paying a $38 fine. Guess it might deter others financially, but not Kasparov.
2. R1e7 or 2. Rxd8 Rxd8 3. Re7 should be both correct but I like the direct way (looks nicer for the audience ^^).
“Obvious – maybe but I don’t think there is a complete solution above.”
An anonym one did – of course billbrock’s shortcut is useful.
Or hav you found anything against directly playing 2. R1e7 how proposed?
Simon, Black can defend both g7 and h7 with Rd7–only problem is that he also needs to defend e8!
Mate in four:
1: Re8, Rf8
2: R1e7, Qh3+
3: g:h3, any
4: Q:h7#
Once the second rook reaches e7, all Black can do is delay his kingdom’s fall for a move.
No, Dan, you’re wrong – sorry.
Rd7 doesn’t defend g7/h7 against the white queen (only against Re7xh7 what is of course senseless) because the Re7 ‘block’s the line’ (I hope that’s understandable what I mean).
Or what do you mean!?
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1. Re8 Rf8
2. Re7
And white wins.