July 4 checkmate in 3 Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move and checkmate in 3. 8/3B1K2/4N2k/8/1B2pPP1/1n1p3n/p7/1r5r w – – 0 1
1. Bf8+ Kh7
2. Bg7
threatening 3. Nf8#
Trying to extend it beyond 3 moves, if 2… Ng5+ then 3. Nxg5#
1. Bf8+ Kh7
2. Bg7
and now I seem no way for black to prevent the checkmate Nf8#.
Intermediate check loses also:
2. … Ng5+
3. Nxg5#
Don’t light fireworks in your mouth kids!