This is a 2 second tactic thanks to the powerful dark square bishop on the sensitive diagonal as well as the advanced e pawn. 1…Qxd1+ if 2.Qxd1 e2+ 3.Qd4 Bxd4+ 4.Kh1 e1=Q+ (4.Kh2 Bd6 queens the e pawn) 5.Bxe1 Rxe1+ leaving black up a rook and bishop and clearly winning.
So what else can white do after 1…Qxd1+ Its difficult to even suggest anything playable. 2.Qd3 e2+ 3.Kh2 Qxd3 4.cxd3 Bd6 again queening the e pawn.
1…..Qxd1+! If A 2.Qf1..e2+ and 3…exf1=Q and white is rook and 2 queens up! B 2.Qxd1.e2+ and 3…exd1=Q and black is a rook and queen up C 2.Be1.Qxe2 and white is a rook and queen up and on the way to make another queen! D 2.Kh2.Qxe2 and white is a rook and queen up and on the way to make another queen!
1….Qxd1+ If 2. Qxd1, then 2….e3-e2+ winning the White queen. If 2. Qe1 then 2…Qxe1 3. Bxe1 and Black is up a rook. Any other move, for example 2. Be1 loses the White queen straight away. A possible continuation after 3. Bxe1 is 3….e2+ and Black can move his rook and win the black bishop in a few moves.
1……. Qxd1+ wins rook because of discovered check threat.
1….. Qxd1+ wins because of e2+ discovered check threat if 2. Qxd1
Qxd1+!, followed by e2(+) and wins.
This is a 2 second tactic thanks to the powerful dark square bishop on the sensitive diagonal as well as the advanced e pawn.
if 2.Qxd1 e2+
3.Qd4 Bxd4+
4.Kh1 e1=Q+ (4.Kh2 Bd6 queens the e pawn)
5.Bxe1 Rxe1+ leaving black up a rook and bishop and clearly winning.
So what else can white do after 1…Qxd1+
Its difficult to even suggest anything playable.
2.Qd3 e2+
3.Kh2 Qxd3
4.cxd3 Bd6 again queening the e pawn.
1…Qxd1+ 2.Qxd1
(2.Kh2 Qxe2)
(2.Qe1 e2+ 3.Kh1 Be3 4.c4 Bd2 5.Qxd1 exd1=Q+ 6.Kh2 Be3 7.cxb5 Qg1+ 8.Kh3 Qh1+ 9.Bh2 Bf4 10.bxc6 Qxh2#)
2…e2+ 3.Qd4 Bxd4+ 4.Kh1 e1=Q+ 5.Bxe1 Rxe1+
1. … Qxd1+ 2. Qxd1 2. e2+ K.. 3. exd1Q
A 2.Qf1..e2+ and 3…exf1=Q and white is rook and 2 queens up!
B 2.Qxd1.e2+ and 3…exd1=Q and black is a rook and queen up
C 2.Be1.Qxe2 and white is a rook and queen up and on the way to make another queen!
D 2.Kh2.Qxe2 and white is a rook and queen up and on the way to make another queen!
Qxdq+ Qxd1 e2+ and black wins the queen and the game.
Qxd1+ Qxd1 e2+ wins the queen and the game.
Qxd1+ should win easily!
1…Qxd1+! is so simple (If 2.QxQ e2 dis+! and whites Queen is lost and black promotes the e pawn)
If 2. Qxd1, then
2….e3-e2+ winning the White queen.
If 2. Qe1 then
3. Bxe1 and Black is up a rook.
Any other move, for example
2. Be1 loses the White queen straight away.
A possible continuation after
3. Bxe1 is 3….e2+
and Black can move his rook and win the black bishop in a few moves.
1. … Qxd1+!
2. Qxd1 e2+
Game over because:
3. Bf2 (or Kh2 exd1=Q is also down with rook) Bxf2+
4. Kxf2 exd1=Q
0 – 1
… QxRd1+
QxQd1 e2+
Kh2 exQd1=Q
with dominant material advantage for Black
2. Qxd1 e2+
3. any move for white to get out of check allows black to retake the queen and promote his pawn.
1. … Qxd1+ captures the queen.
and black is at least a rook up.
If 2.Qxd1 e2+
3.Qd4 Bxd4+
4.Kh2 e1=Q
5.Bxe1 Rxe1
and black is ahead by a rook and bishop.
Hope I haven’t missed anything.
Qd1 should win:
1. …..Qd1
2. Qd1 e2 with discovered check and attack on the white queen.
1….. QxR+
2.QxQ PQ7 disc+
Black wins.