I’m sorry that this is a bit off topic but I really appreciate your regular posting of chess news and goings on in the US. You have a good feel for how a web site could help keep up interest in chess. I wish the official USCF site did as much on their blog pages. Sure, not everyone wants to see just pictures of little kids who play well, but the great part about your blog is if one waits a few hours, then something else pops up! Thanks again.
Dear Susan,
I’m sorry that this is a bit off topic but I really appreciate your regular posting of chess news and goings on in the US. You have a good feel for how a web site could help keep up interest in chess. I wish the official USCF site did as much on their blog pages. Sure, not everyone wants to see just pictures of little kids who play well, but the great part about your blog is if one waits a few hours, then something else pops up! Thanks again.
Fan in Michigan
Maybe I’m nitpicking but Gorby was never the President of Russia, but Premier of the Soviet Union. Big difference.
Go Mikhail Go