Here is the list of qualifiers for the 2007 Susan Polgar National Invitational for Girls:
Check-in with the USCF officials will be on Saturday afternoon / early evening. Check-in can also be done by 8:45 AM on Sunday morning. If you do not check-in by 8:45 AM on Sunday, you will not be paired in the first round.
There opening ceremony will begin at 9 AM. This is a mandatory meeting where all the details will be announced.
Rounds will start at 11 AM each day. The time control is FIDE time control of 90 minutes per game with 30 seconds increment per move.
There will also be the SP National Invitational Blitz Championship and SP National Invitational Puzzle Solving Championship. All alumni of the Susan Polgar National Invitational for Girls can participate in the Blitz and Puzzle Championships.
Congratulations to all qualifiers!
Some information about the invitational:
Rules and conditions of the invitational:
Here is the hotel info: Crown Plaza Philadelphia-Cherry Hill
2349 W. Marlton Pike
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Free parking – Special room rate $114
Phone: 1-800-227-6963 or make reservations at:
Thanks for the helpful info.
Susan if the games begins at 11 am then why do they have to check in by 8:45 or miss getting a game. Can then check in by phone. 2:15 minutes seems like a lot more time than needed.
At the tournaments I have gone to locally in the past they will check you in and start right away. or even check people in late and give them a game.
9 AM is the mandatory meeting / opening ceremony. It will last until 10:30 AM. The requirement of the TD is all final names have to be submitted before 9 AM.