Hall of Famer chess tactic Boris Gulko, Chess tactic, Hall of Fame, Puzzle Solving Here is one by the recently Hall of Fame inductee Boris Gulko. White to move. How should white proceed? Gulko vs SkvortsovSoviet Union, 64 1rb5/1p1n1k2/p2Qq1p1/2p1ppB1/P1P3B1/8/1P4PP/5RK1 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. Rxf5+ gxf5
2. Bh6+ and the Queen falls.
1. Rxf5+ gxf5
2. Bh6+ and the Black Queen must fall.
isn’t there something a little deeper to be found in Gulko’s games?
1}Rxf5!…..clearly wins
bishop check and queen takes.
1Rf5+ 2 Bh5 3 black Queen goes
Hi Susan Polgar,
Well,its a simple puzzle.
White wins the game in ease [ Slight variations exist ]
1.R*f5+ g*Rf5
2.Bh5+ Kg7
3.Q*Qe6 Nf8
4.Qf6+ Kh7
5.Qf7+ Kh8
6.Bf6++ Mate
White wins the game.
Venky [ India – Chennai ]
1. Rxf5
1. … gxf5
2. Bh5+ and
3. Qxe6
1. … anything else loses immediately.
1. Rxf5+ and Black has to lose the Queen or face mate