Greater Philadelphia Junior Invitational Chess Tournament Comes to Chestnut Hill
The tournament begins Friday, Aug. 12.
The 2011 Greater Philadelphia Junior Invitational Chess Tournament, held previously on the Main Line for the last 10 years is coming to O’Doodles Toy Store, 8335 Germantown Avenue.
The first round began at 11 a.m. Friday followed by the second round at 5 p.m. The tournament is sponsored andunderwritten by Bowman Properties and the Pennsylvania State Chess Federation.
This invitational pits eight high school and under contestants from the Greater Delaware Valley in a “round-robin” competition lasting three days. The total prize money is $2000, with the winner taking home $1000 and having his name engraved on the Heisman-Shahade Trophy.
Participants include the area high school champion, Germantown Friends School student Will Fisher, as determined by the Greater Philadelphia High School Championship.
“This is a prestigious event to move to ChestnutHill,” said Tolis Verdakis, former Chestnut Hill Community Association president. “These young chess players are arguably the best and the brightestand could turn out to be the next Bobby Fischer. Just like baseball has theminor leagues, this is chess’ version of the minor leagues. People should comeout and see these young phenoms.”
In addition to the tournament, and also at O’Doodles, Peter Minear, a former Pennsylvania State Champion chess player will provide chess instruction to beginners from 11-11:45 a.m. Friday and intermediate players from 11:45 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on Saturday.
Greg Welsh, former President of the Chestnut Hill Business Association added, “This is an excellent opportunity for chess enthusiast of all ages and skill levels to learn and improve their game. Chess teaches kids enormous skills which can be applied throughout their lives.”
Philadelphia rocks.