1…….Nxg4!!! ( Threatening Qxh2#!.). 2.fxg4 forced to avoid #.Qxg4+. 3.Kh1 forced only move.Rxe2!. 4.Bxe2. Forced otherwise loses another Rf2.Rxe2!. 5.Rxe2. Forced otherwise loses Rf2 or mate at g2!..Qxe2! Black Wins easily with 2 P up, white king denuded by following up with Nf6, Ng4 etc.
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I would play Nxg4 here in a split second:
1. ……Ng4
2. fg4
What else? If white doesn’t take the knight, the trapped rook at f2 is toast for a knight. Continuing:
2. ……Qg4
3. Kh1 Re2
4. Be2 Re2
5. Re2 Qe2
Wins two pawns outright.
Black’s best idea is surely the sham sacrifice 1…N:g4 2. fg Q:g4+ 3. Kh1 R:e2 recovering the sacrificed piece while denuding the White King of cover.
Nxp pxN Qxp+ Kh1 RxR winning pieces
Nxp winning material after Qxp+
1…….Nxg4!!! ( Threatening Qxh2#!.).
2.fxg4 forced to avoid #.Qxg4+.
3.Kh1 forced only move.Rxe2!.
4.Bxe2. Forced otherwise loses another Rf2.Rxe2!.
5.Rxe2. Forced otherwise loses Rf2 or mate at g2!..Qxe2!
Black Wins easily with 2 P up, white king denuded by following up with Nf6, Ng4 etc.
Thank you very much for publishing this kind of article. I like your article very much. I want to share my website details to you please give me some information to increase performance like as your website.
1. … Nxg4 2. fxg4 Qxg4+ 3. Kh1 Rxe2 4. Bxe2 Rxe2 5. Rxe2 Qxe2 0-1 (Black is two pawns up).
1…. Nxg4 threatens instant mate by 2…. Qxh2.
(2.Kh3 Qh6+ 3.Kxg4 [3.Kg3 g5 4.h3 Qd6+ 5.Kxg4 Qf4+ 6.Kh5 Qh4#] 3…Nf6+ 4.Kg3 Qg5+ 5.Kh3 Qg4#)
(2.Kg1 Nxf2 3.Rxf2 g5 exchange up and has grip on position.)
2.fxg4 Qxg4+
3.Kh1 Rxe2
4.Rxe2 Rxe2
5.Bxe2 Qxe2 black is ahead in material,safe K and endgame advantage.