General Trivia Largest swimming pool This is the largest swimming pool in the world. Do you know where it is located WITHOUT Googling? 🙂 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
That looks like the one in my back yard.
Ah, but the real questionshould be is it biggest fresh water or salt water pool?
Can we use Yahoo search?
This is San Alfonso Del Mar in Chile.
I found the answer here:
I’ll guess Dubai. That city is getting so many massive, over-the-top-projects – this pool would fit right in….
say…well I googled the answer..and Dubai is wrong.
I would have guessed Dubai too
It is in Bali island, Indonesia.
Is it in South America?
This is a still image from “An Inconvenient Truth” that shows what would happen to the Louvre if sea levels rise. I’m sure of it.
australia or fishers garden. jub.