1.Bd5+! (Can save the game…This could result in either perpetual check or Stale-mate…Any other attempt by black could result in loss of game by loosing heavy material…such as Queen and other…). For example, if, 1…RxB?! (Black cannot avoid capturing the Bishop!!…Because of mating attack…) 2. Re8+ Qf8 3.Qg4+ and black cannot avoid perpetual check or loss of Queen with a check for nothing and even loss of game later…OR, If,
1…BxB 2. Re8+ Qf8 3.Qxh7+ KxQ (Stale mate).
(Not sure but) Bishop d5 and black looses its queen in best case senario
I was wrong, it’s a stalemate which is good for white considering that they have less pieces.
1.Bd5+! (Can save the game…This could result in either perpetual check or Stale-mate…Any other attempt by black could result in loss of game by loosing heavy material…such as Queen and other…). For example, if, 1…RxB?! (Black cannot avoid capturing the Bishop!!…Because of mating attack…) 2. Re8+ Qf8 3.Qg4+ and black cannot avoid perpetual check or loss of Queen with a check for nothing and even loss of game later…OR, If,
1…BxB 2. Re8+ Qf8 3.Qxh7+ KxQ (Stale mate).
One has to visualize BB at d5 and white’s all other pieces except N gone and white’s turn to move.It is stalemate.
1.Bd5+ Bxd5
(1…Rxd5 2.Re8+ Qf8 3.Qg4+ Kf7 4.Qe6+ Kg7 5.Qg4+ Kf7 6.Qe6+ Kg7 draw by perpetual check.)
(1…Kh8 2.Re8+ Qf8 3.Rxf8+ Rxf8 4.Ne3 Bxd5+ 5.Qxd5 Bf4 6.Qd4+ Kg8 7.Nd5 Bg5 8.Qg4 h6 9.Qe6+ Kh7 and white should win. )
2.Re8+ Rxe8
(2…Qf8 3.Rxf8+ Kxf8 4.Qe8+ Rxe8 stalemate.)
(2…Qf8 3.Rxf8+ Rxf8 4.Qxh7+ Kxh7)
3.Qxe8+ Qf8
4.Qxf8+ Kxf8 stalemate.